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Hello:) My name is Erin & well I am LG15 OBSESSED! I've never watched KateModern before so can't really say much about that. But anyway, heres a little about me and the show!

Q: When did you start watching LonelyGirl15? A: It was a very strange coincidence, basically about a year ago, I was on YouTube and the Poor Pluto video was featured in 'what everyone is watching now' section, and my younger sister told me to watch it because, well we're always looking for funny videos! So I gave Bree a try and we thought the video was cute, so we watched some of the other ones. But then, I quit watching, I really thought she was a girl who blogged in her bedroom and so I stopped watching. Now about a week ago I checked out the channel again and I saw that, it was very different and decided to begin watching again to see what the heck happened to Bree.

Q: Who is your favorite character? A: This is the toughest question, I made this 'questionaire' myself and yet I gave myself a toughie! But anyway, it varied a lot. Like Bree, I loved her and she was my favorite, but as time went on I loved Sarah. So as of now, I love Sarah and Jonas. I do love Daniel too, I was actually very upset to see that he gave up:(

Q: What are your favorite hookups on the show? Easy! Heres who I ship in order;

Bree/Jonas - Although Bree was in a different state of mind when they shared their first kiss, I will always ship these two. Jonas is super sensitive and yet is a complete badass when it comes to fighting The Order!

Daniel/Sarah - These two were like Bree and Jonas, PERFECT! But the order always tears couples apart. Sarah messed up, but if only Daniel could have maybe forgiven her because, they were perfect.

Daniel/Bree - They always had lingering feelings for each other, but never got their chance and thats sad:(

Jonas/Maggie - Ok, LG15 just started, but I just think Jonas and Maggie need each other. Maggie was tortured and she's vulnerable, and I think Jonas could use a girl to truly take care of. And Maggie, I don't know much of her personality yet, but I can see them together!

Jonas/Sarah - They'd have a strong connection through their love/hate relationship, haha. But seriously, I could see them fighting the order and then cuddling at night, hehe:)


JonasMini.gif This user's favorite lg15 character is Jonas.
0184-SarahHoldingLipstick-Cropped.jpg This user's favorite lg15 character is Sarah.
Vid7.jpg This user's favorite lg15 character is Daniel.
Lazyeye.jpg This user's favorite lg15 character is Bree.
Lonelybeast.jpg Lonelybeast taught this user about the Cornwallis Effect.
Jonas666.JPG This user's lg15 crush is Jonas.

LG15: The Resistance;

Sym str.jpg This User wants Jonas and Sarah to hook up.