List of ARG tools

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Revision as of 04:58, 5 October 2006 by Withe (Talk | contribs) (Translation Tools)

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This list is a short summary of different game resources used or suggested by some of the players. It is by no means exhaustive and undoubtedly many players have a number of other tools yet to be disclosed.

Anagram Tools

Translation Tools

Sound Editing

  • Audacity (note: you can select your source to be straight from the webpage stream)

Graphics Manipulation

Video Manipulation

Textual Deciphering


Web Adresses





Sidenote: by "vanessa" The function of is to create shorter links, it does this by generating a random combination of letters and/or numbers based on the url that it was given, meaning that the same link will generate the same tinyurl link.

For anyone thinking that cassie purposely created a unique link so that the tinyurl would infact generate GJ/LJ, consider this:

She used for the picture, which is the host of the original masked link. The reason she could not have purposely created a unique link to generate GL/JL is because no matter what filename you upload to this image hosting site, it will add 2-4 random letters and numbers to the end of the filename in an attempt to avoid creating duplicate links. If you noticed the link, it has img66 at the beginning, imageshack has about 100 different servers, so trying to purposely create a link to generate GJLJ is practicly impossible, as each server number would offer a different generation of a tinyurl.


Religious Textual References

Mapping Tools

The best maps ever...