Mysteries of My Past... REVEALED!

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Mysteries of My Past... REVEALED! is the twenty-second video in the Lonelygirl15 video series.


Bree: (talking into the camera and holding a pen like a microphone) I'm reporting live from my bedroom. So, I don't really have a lot to talk about, but I decided that I would talk about my travels. I was born in America and then I moved to New Zealand when I was eight. New Zealand was pretty cool all around. I lived in this, umm, little commune which was next to a really small town. It was fun. I tried to go to public school in New Zealand but it didn't really work out so well. There was this one classroom where we had a door in the front and a door in the back and the kids would go in and out of the back door just as they pleased. So, when my parents found out about that, they took me out of school and put me in home school again. When I was ten we visited the Northern Territory of Australia. The coolest thing about the Northern Territory is the "Wet", or as Australians say it, the "Weet". Isn't that funny? (giggles) One night when I was asleep, my Dad came and woke me up and I was really tired so I didn't want to get up, but he said that that it was really interesting and I had to come. I remember clinging to my Dad's shoulders and we were tromping up this hill and all the people from the farms behind us were coming up with us and everybody was saying, "Shh! Shh!" and it was really really exciting and my Dad told me something really incredible was going to happen. Nobody's allowed to talk because you'll get in trouble. There's these big black storm clouds above you. You're waiting and everybody is completely silent suddenly it just starts pouring down with rain, with like big thick droplets of rain, really amazing. And then, when I was twelve, we moved to England. So when I first heard we were moving to Nottinghamshire, I was kind of excited, you know: Robin Hood, Merry men, outlaws? I thought it would only be a matter of time before we started having fun. The only friend I made the entire time...was a dog! They have a Robin Hood museum. If you ever take their little tram tour, watch out for Friar Tuck, he kind of JUMPS out at you. So we lived in England for two years and then we moved to America and...that's about it!

(musical montage of Bree dancing with Purple Monkey and mouthing something inaudibly)


  • Some fans of the series have theorized that the content of this video was not part of Bree's character originally, but was written in to explain occasional slips in Bree's accent.
