Everything is Great!

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Everything is Great! is the third video of The Flock Season 2


(Betsy begins to vlog. She seems pretty calm and happy.)

Betsy: Hi, everyone. I know you've all been concerned about Sandra, Mike and I, and I'm sorry I haven't been in touch with you sooner. But eveything is just great. Mike explained everything. After Camp, Sandra was offered the opportunity to train to become a Hymn of One historian. Historians live in seclusion in the mountains of Sedona, it's a life that requires a lot of commitment and sacrifice. Not everybody's cut out for it, so there's a routine psych evaluation. They have to take medication to adjust to the thin air. (smiles) It's all perfectly harmless. There is a deadline, so Mike went ahead and gave Sandra the evaluation. I even received a letter from Sandra.

(She holds up an envelope and takes a letter out of it.)

Betsy: She says, "Dear sis, I'm sorry I haven't contacted you sooner. Everything has happened so fast. I can't believe I'm going to be a historian. To be able to research and study all of the knowledge that has been amassed about the Universal Song is a huge honor. The work I do could possibly help generations of future Hymn of One members. I miss you all, but when I listen to my song, I hear all of your voices, and you don't seem that far away. Love, Sandra."

(Betsy smiles and sort of hugs the letter.)


  • This highly contradicts Betsy's 5on5 season finale video.
  • It should be noted that Emma Once mentioned the ceremony being held near Sedona.