KateModern minor locations

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Gavin's sister's house

Gavin's sister's house



Explain yourself - T287

After Steve accused Gavin of having ties to the Hymn of One, Gavin fled and went to stay at his sister's house.

Janet's house

Janet's house



Janet's house is where Charlie goes to see the first girl on Charlie's list of trait positive girls that Dr. Griffin had operated on. However, Janet's dad sulkily answers the door and reveals that Janet died last week.





Charlie once resided in Melbourne, Australia. She returns to St. Kilda Beach, near her childhood home, at the end of Season 1.

Pinchin Street

Pinchin Street



After decoding a secret message from Dudley and Dr. William Arscott, Kate, Charlie and Tariq headed off to Pinchin Street to meet up with Dudley and get some answers. Kate and Charlie got in the car with Dudley; however, Tariq was left behind.


"The Pinchin Street Murder", a term coined after a torso was found in similar condition to "The Whitehall Mystery" (though the hands were not severed), on September 10, 1889. The body was found under a railway arch in Pinchin Street, Whitechapel. Unconfirmed speculation of the time was that the body belonged to Lydia Hart, a prostitute who had disappeared. "The Whitehall Mystery" and "The Pinchin Street Murder" have often been suggested to be the works of a serial killer, for which the nicknames "Torso Killer" or "Torso Murderer" have been suggested. Whether Jack the Ripper and the "Torso Killer" were the same person or separate serial killers of uncertain connection to each other (but active in the same area) has long been debated by Ripperologists. This was the tenth of the Whitechapel murders. <ref>Wikipedia article on The Pinchin Street Murder</ref>



Regency Grand Hotel

Regency Grand Hotel



Regency Grand Hotel is the hotel that Charlie goes to in hopes of finding Shia LaBeouf. When she doesn't find him, she goes to the bar and avoids several men.

Gavin decides that he needs to show up, so he does. It is at the Regency Grand Hotel that Gavin asks Charlie to be his girlfriend, even though they slept together earlier.

The Roof

The Roof



The Roof is a place where Tariq likes to spend his free time. Tariq's first video blog, Welcome to the roof, is an introduction to the Roof, which makes it seem as though the Roof will become a major backdrop for Tariq's video blogs.

Tariq's flat

Tariq's flat



Tariq lives in his flat by himself (to our knowledge). In Cooking With Tariq, he invited his girlfriend, Julia over and cooked dinner for her, before passing out on the sofa.

The Unfamiliar Graveyard

The Unfamiliar Graveyard



The Unfamiliar Graveyard is the place where Kate reenacts her dream in Awful Video. Not much is known about the graveyard.

Upton Park

Upton Park

West Ham United.jpg


Walk of Shame - T287

The Boleyn Ground at Upton Park is West Ham United's home ground, the football team that Tariq supports. He goes there in Walk of Shame to reminisce about when he went to watch matches there.