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The Test

In The Test, Daniel decided to let GoodGollyItsHolly decide whether they should trust Jonas. Users have been posting messages on the boards and the forum telling her what they think about Jonas's offer.

Her role

GoodGollyItsHolly is a popular fan in the forums, known for her silly posts and quirky responses. She is a big Jonas fan,and her current location is in Jonas' bed. She has left several posts on the boards and the forums since she was picked by Daniel confirming that she was taking fans' input.

GoodGollyItsHolly created a poll in the forums. You can access it here.

Real person or not?

Many fans have grown suspicious of GoodGollyItsHolly because her posts since The Test are very short, generic, and never refer back to any specific fan's input, a la Bree and Daniel. She mostly says that "you all make very good points about this..." and encourages fans to vote in the forum and give reasons along with their vote, and never seemed excited or even surprised that she was "picked" by Daniel from a selection of so many fans. Many fans have speculated that GoodGollyItsHolly is in fact a plant by The Order among forum users.

Fans have also noted the implausibility of trusting an allegedly arbitrary Internet friend with the crucial decision of whether to trust another Internet person that they've never met. Some accept the notion that GoodGollyItsHolly is almost certainly another construct of the creators.

This is the creators' second attempt to work fan interactivity into the series. Their first (somewhat botched) attempt was Bree's November 28 chat.

External links

  • GoodGollyItsHolly's poll in the forum.

Holly's myspace page:

Messages from GoodGollyItsHolly on the board after The Test video