Where Is Jonas?

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NBR Episode NBR6
Where Is Jonas? - NBR 6

So who is this Jonas person anyway?

Blogger Nikki Bower
Date Posted December 7th, 2006
URL revver.com
Description I spent sometime looking for Bree and Daniel, but I guess they've moved on. Now I'm looking for Jonas to determine whether we can trust him.
YouTube Tags nikkibowerreport nikki lonelygirl15 bree danielbeast jonas trust house squirrel
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Where Is Jonas? - NBR 6 is the sixth video in the Nikki Bower Report series.


Nikki: Hey guys! Nikki Bower here. I'm back. I know you've all missed me but investigative reporting is hard work and it's taken me across the globe, what can I say? Okay, so lets recap. Last week ended with tensions running high with Bree and Daniel. Their at each others throats. They had to ditch their car because of the tracking device that was found on it, and now, their roaming the streets homeless with no where to go.

