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LG15res-Reed official.jpg
First Appearance Last Appearance
The Beginning of the Beginning Craptastic!
Character information
Age 34
Date of Birth November 3rd, 1989
LG15 10007
MySpace reed_a_book
Forum Posts ReadABook
YouTube reedabook99
Portrayed by Brett Ryback
List of Reed's blogs
Videos with Reed

Reed Barnes (also known as ReedABook) is a college dropout from Chicago. His first video was featured on On Friday August 29, 2008 as part of "Community Appreciation Week", and was later revealed to be a canon character of LG15: The Resistance.


Reed states in his first video blog that he has been living in Chicago since mid-2007, and had dropped out of college due to his being easily distracted, usually by all the thoughts that are constantly going through his head. Reed began posting written blogs on MySpace on July 31st, 2008, the day before The Ascension took place. He reveals that his latest fixation is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Action Figure craze, and describes his hunt for the "Be-Bop to my Rocksteady", as well as his excitement to see the movie "Watchmen".

At the end of his first blog, he states that he should probably get to work. A week later, he reveals that he has lost his job due to being too "lax" for the world of account firm interning. The rest of his ramblings consist of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, Batman, Mario & Luigi, and his desire to see a movie version of Veronica Mars which is "almost as good as Buffy."


We are the Reedite Movement.
  • Reed's first two videos were posted on under the guise of "Community Appreciation Week". His second video was posted due to "popular demand" - referring to the positive response his first video received.
  • Reed is the only character to have broken the fourth wall (i.e. admit the ficticious nature of the series) by citing that the LG15 website is run by Amanda Goodfried. The only other character to have interacted with a producer of the show was Gavin, though he only theorized that he was part of a show.
  • Upon Reed's stating his non-canon status, a small group of loyal fans began the Reedite Movement To Make Reed Canon. Prominent members of the Facebook Group include Miles Beckett, Greg Goodfried, and Alexandra Dreyfus.


Read is an English surname which comes from multiple sources, including Old English read meaning "red" (originally a nickname given to a person with red hair or a ruddy complexion) and Old English ried meaning "clearing" (given to a person who lived in a clearing in the woods). [1].


Be sure to check out some theories about Reed.

LG15: The Resistance Characters
Main Characters Jonas · Sarah · Maggie · Reed
Recurring Characters Dr. Alderman · Beaumont · Daniel · Estelle · Lucy · Doctors
Full Character List