Christmas Surprise

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Jonas: Hey! It's six in the morning and I'm setting up a tree and some stuff for Bree. (pauses) And I- Hey, that rhymes. Tree and Bree. Anyway, I'm hoping that it cheers her up. Anyway, if this doesn't work, I've got another trick up my sleeve. Check this out.
(Camera cuts to show Daniel, asleep in a bed)
Yeah, there he is. He arrived about an hour ago, and Bree has no idea. Yeah.... I wanted to wrap him up and put him under the tree, but he thought that was weird. I don't know. I hope I didn't freak him out. Anyway-
(Camera cuts to show Jonas again)
Alright, I'm going to get some ??? eggnog. Man, that stuff is delicious, I'm telling you. Why do you only get to drink it once a year? I don't understand. Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm going to try to push on through till morning. So, uh, that's it. Peace. On Earth. Any good will towards man.
(Camera cuts to show Bree by the Christmas tree)
Jonas: So, what, are you, uh, are you surprised?
Bree: (demurely) Yes...
Jonas: Is, is everything good?
Bree: I don't know; I haven't seen what's in the box! (laughs)
Jonas: (laughs) Ohhh, fair enough, fair enough. Bree: (picks up the small, flat box) Just kidding.... (unwraps the present to reveal several National Geographic magazines, laughs) Oh, my God.... (giggles) Egypt!
Jonas: So what do you think? Do you think that's enough material for a few "Proving Science Wrongs"?


  • This is the second video to feature three bloggers (Bree, Daniel, and Jonas). The first was Your Decision.