Jerry Pyle

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Jerry Pyle
NoImage Male.gif
LG15: The Resistance: lead editor
Portrays Order Agent
Background information
Age Unknown

Jerry Pyle filmography
Videos edited by Jerry Pyle

At this time, no additional information on this individual has been provided by EQAL.
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Jerry Pyle is the lead editor for LG15: The Resistance.

LG15: The Resistance Cast & Crew
Main Cast Jackson Davis · Alexandra Dreyfus · Marnette Patterson · Brett Ryback
Supporting Cast Bill Oberst Jr. · Reed Windle · Yousef Abu-Taleb · Ashlyn Selich · Amanda Goodfried
Crew Miles Beckett · Greg Goodfried · Amanda Goodfried · Joshua Hale Fialkov · James R. Sterling · Lynn Kramer · Yusuf Pirhasan · Jim Campolongo · Sara Clarkin · Ram Paul Silbey · Lisa Andoh · Andie Verbance · Andrea Aguilar · Travis Prow · Logan Rapp · Bobby Pollier · Beth Dubber · Doug Landers · Axel Bierstedt · Kevin Schlanser · Christopher Ryder · Jerry Pyle · James Renfroe · Casey Klebba · Mallory Whitelaw · Cyril Florita · Seth Jacobs
Cameos Killola · Mitchell Wright · Keri O'Brien · Other Cameos