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LordGreystoke422 is a fan of lonelygirl15 and cassieiswatching who has made a number of response videos following the series.He is without a doubt the most prolific video responder having well over 50 videos.Most of his videos take place within the Greater New Orleans area. They revolve around his pursuit by mysterious people which may or may not be related to OpAphid and the Order of Denderah. He has also been a rather prolific forum responder before his "ordeal" began. A Katrina survivor struggling along with the rest of the city, he sought some diversion in the Lonelygirl15 series. A few E-mails from a mysterious figure that he refers to as G-mail Frank quickly changed a simple diversion into an ordeal that utterly changed his life turning him into a fugitive.He is is accompanied by his dog, Gabriel, that was found during his time hiding out. LordGreystoke422 has utilized a varied array of different gear and technologies in order to defend himself,remain connected, and to make his stay more comfortable despite the harsh conditions he is living in.

In addition to his dangerous exploits and helpful advice, LordGreystoke422 was kind enough to find the time to serve as the keynote speaker for the Orientation 2006 graduation ceremony of The Homeschoolers Aggregate with his memorable 18-minute video HSAO: What is Reality. It has been suggested that this was the longest graduation speech in history. Though long, it is actually exceeded by others such as a noted 24 minute graduation speech once given by Warren Beatty, it is definitely the longest in HSAO history and may be one of the only Graduation speeches involving the removal of clothing.


LordGreystoke422 shares a first name with DanielBeast. He is 38 years old and resides in the Greater New Orleans area. He attended LSU for a number of years(6+) where he majored in drinking and minored in chasing women. He is trained and licensed by the state of Lousiana as a Massage Therapist. He has rather varied interests and a pretty varied knowledge base that many of the LG15 chat have become enamoured with along with the colorful and often risque' way he speaks. He has an interest in the martial arts and was a wrestler through his secondary education years. He has developed a strong interest in weapons of all types and practices often with many kinds.

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