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Created by ireactions, suze900, renegade15
URL http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5692309/1/LonelyJournal15

LonelyJournal15 is a fan fiction sequel to LG15, presented in the format of blog entries. It is set after the events of LG15: The Resistance and provides a conclusion to the LG15 story.

The main character is a young woman named Alexis Capshaw who moves into a Los Angeles apartment and discovers that Jonas, Daniel, Sarah and Gina are her new neighbors. Alexis has to deal with her social anxieties and insecurities as well as the bizarre activities of her neighbors.

LonelyJournal15 is composed of thirty-three LiveJournal entries. The first entry takes place within days of the final installment of LG15: The Resistance. Several developments have taken place since the finale: Sarah's loyalty to the Order has been revealed as a deception, Gina is alive, Daniel has rejoined the group, and Maggie and Reed have ventured off to parts unknown.

Originally shared on LiveJournal, the story has been recompiled and reposted on Fanfiction.net.


The majority of the entries are written from Alexis Capshaw's point of view as she meets Jonas, Daniel, Sarah and Gina and finds them alternatively friendly and frightening. The story also serves as a fan-written conclusion to LonelyGirl15 as the characters discover the true nature of the Order and confront the creator of the Hymn of One.

The LonelyJournal15 account is not an ongoing blog but rather presents a completed series finale.


TVTropes.org[1] lists lonelyjournal15 as a recommended fan fiction, with the following comments from reviewer BobbyG: "This fic seems to be an attempt to recapture the feel of the original series, and is told from the perspective of an outsider, Alexis Capshaw, which means it's easy to follow even if you aren't familiar with the later seasons or with LG15: The Resistance. It succeeds in correcting some of the biggest Wallbangers of the last series and the sequel, but does so in a subtle manner that feels very natural. Very well written, with a very nice balance of humour and drama, too."

Behind The Scenes

Before LG15: The Resistance, ireactions had felt that the LG15 story suffered from confusing and contradictory continuity and a lack of compelling characterization [2] The appeal of the series had come in two forms: the sense that fictional characters could seem as 'real' as any online friend, and that the main characters (Bree, Daniel and Jonas) were isolated youths venturing into a threatening world.

After LG15: The Resistance's first season ended with no resolution in sight, ireactions began seeking collaborators in the LG15 fan community. His wish was to write a sequel to LG15: The Resistance in the form of LiveJournal entries. The sequel would be told from the perspective of an original character who would not be familiar with the LG15 mythology, in order to make the story easy to understand.

By April 2009, ireactions had a basic idea of the story direction for LonelyJournal15. However, he lacked an encyclopedic memory for the details of the LG15 mythology. suze900 volunteered her help. ireactions wrote up a brief document about how he felt the Order could be explained, exposed and perhaps defeated by the TAAG. suze900 took the document and added specific continuity references. She was able to mesh his story outline with continuity and made only a few alterations.

With suze900 having organized the myth-arc into a manageable form, ireactions wrote a detailed outline for each week's worth of entries. When the plot required revealing the secrets of the Order, he relied on suze900's material. After writing each week's outline, he submitted copies to Renegade15 and suze900 for their review and suggestions.

Renegade15 strongly advised that LonelyJournal15 de-emphasize the mythology of the Order in favor of everyday life. At one point, ireactions was struggling with finding a way to overturn Sarah's villainy and resolve the cliffhanger of LG15: The Resistance. Renegade15 advised "skimming over the details" by keeping the story within the perspective of a new character. Another suggestion was to bury Lucy alive. ireactions made full use of these ideas.

After the outlines were complete, ireactions began writing the individual blog entries, posting each one with a backdate designed to set the entries shortly after the LG15: The Resistance. ireactions decided not to publicize the LiveJournal account until all the entries were written, posted and reviewed.

After the third week was finished and uploaded, suze900 expressed concerns that Alexis Capshaw's language was not convincingly Californian, but instead reflected ireactions' Canadian background. ireactions decided to add a paragraph to an earlier entry, establishing Alexis as a French-Canadian immigrant. During the fourth week, Renegade15 felt that ireactions had written Lucy's dialogue in an excessively formal manner, and ireactions amended it, adding contractions.

In a message to suze900, ireactions commented that his fan novel contained deliberate allegories to the real-world circumstances of the LG15 franchise and fandom.

"I don't know how subtle this is," he wrote, "but LonelyJournal15 reflects all my thoughts on the show, its fans and the creators. My feelings about EQAL are represented in the Order as a force vastly exaggerating its power and using others to do their work for them and now really existing only to perpetuate its own existence with neither creativity nor vision. My thoughts about the community that arose around LG15 are reflected in my desire to show the TAAG as a weird but loving family. I thought of Gina as the long-time fan of LG15; abused, misused, dismissed once her usefulness had expended itself. And Alexis is the new fan of LG15."

In keeping with this theme, Renegade15 suggested that one of the Order's dummy businesses be named, "Eternal Quest: Alternate Lives."

On May 13, 2009, ireactions announced on Anchor Cove that he had finished his blog-novel.[3]

After the original posting, ireactions revised the original LiveJournal entries for reposting on FanFiction.net. The original LiveJournal entries hinted at a lesbian romance, but the FanFiction.net version presents the romance overtly.


  • Despite a few joking references, LonelyJournal15 does not acknowledge or tie into N1kola, LG15: The Last or LG15: Outbreak. The revelations regarding the Order in LonelyJournal15 contradict the Order's depiction in LG15: The Last and LG15: Outbreak.
  • The image of French-Canadian actress Laurence Leboeuf is used for Alexis Capshaw's blog icons. The Alexis character states that she is from Montreal, Canada, and that she has a French-Canadian accent.


LonelyJournal15: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5692309/1/LonelyJournal15

Original LonelyJournal15 blog: http://lonelyjournal15.livejournal.com