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Shehas2smiles, aka Vicky, hangs her hat in the great state of New York. At the ripe old age of 20, she is suprisingly comfortable in her own skin and has recently realized she can change no one but herself. She loves taking walks on the beach, reading a good book, and just conversing with friends. She has a 4 year old daughter who she loves to death and would do anything for. Her favorite chatters are MusicalManda, thedeadlyleaf, LordGreystoke422, Prophet, and her new e-husband jehp11. She and jehp11 have had a bit of a rough patch in their one day marriage but they are attempting to work it out. You can find Vicky in the chats almost any given night sometime after 10 pm EST, assuming that the chats are up and running. If you need a shoulder, she's there, but at the same time will tell you exactly what she thinks and is sometimes rather blunt about it. By all means take the bluntness personally, because in the end as much as she cares, she honestly couldnt give a rat's behind whether you really like her or not. She's happy with what's she's got.