Time To Grow Up

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Template:Blog3 Time To Grow Up is the one hundred twentieth video in the Lonelygirl15 video series. Bree expresses dissatisfaction with her current situation and starts to research possible career options.


(Bree is alone in the library)

Bree: Hi. So... That girl was really cool. It kinda got me thinking, though. I wish that I had more girlfriends in my life. I bet she has a boyfriend back home and a bunch of friends. Me, on the other hand, I've got Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum to look after. Have you ever seen a puppy playing with a wind-up toy? Well, that's kind of the level of discourse with these two. The simplest things keep them amused for hours. Anyway, hanging out with her really got me thinking about how messed up my life is. I'm out here in the middle of nowhere with these two...totally unstable guys. I mean...Daniel is clingy...like...flypaper. And then Jonas just thinks he's Sigmund Freud! I gotta get out of here. So, with that in mind, the goal for today is to figure out what I want to do with my life. Vet? Firewoman. Tax attorney!

(Fast forward montage of Bree reading a reference book while music plays)

Bree: I think I found a job that I might actually like. (Bree reads from a book) "Forest rangers spend their time outdoors digging holes, mending fences and building trails, sometimes in the worst weather." I love the rain! And...I'd finally get some privacy. (Bree pumps her fist in a triumphant gesture) Uh-ohhh... "Forest rangers must carry a firearm, and...besides chasing off hunters, they may sometimes be responsible for thinning herds." I could never kill a deer. Okay, new idea: I could be an aerobics instructor.

(Fast forward montage of Bree doing excercises, playing with Jonas's boxing gloves, and trying to turn cartwheels while music plays)

Bree: Being an aerobics instructor would be fun, but I need to find a job where I can use (Bree points at her head with both index fingers) my medulla oblongata. So, if anybody has any ideas, you should probably let me know.


  • Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist who is considered the father of psychoanalysis.
  • The medulla oblongata is essentially the "brain stem", and is not considered to be a part of the brain used for higher thought processes--it covers basic life processes such as breathing and heart rate. Most likely Bree used the term because a multi-syllabic Latin phrase sounds cooler and smarter than "frontal lobe".
  • After this episode, Virginia Heffernan wrote a review of the series in the New York Times. She praised the series, in particular, the acting of Jessica Lee Rose who, Heffernan says, "has become a truly terrific actress."