Possible influences of Bree's religion

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Throughout the series, Bree's religion has been the focus of much speculation. The Creators have identified Bree's religion, The Order of Denderah, as something completely fictional. Over the course of the series, fans have speculated about the influences that real-world cults, secret societies and religions have had on the creation of the Order.


Secret Societies


The Illuminati generally refers to a shadowy conspiratorial organization which is reputed to secretly control world affairs. The Illuminati are believed by some conspiracy theorists to be an organization attempting to take over the world with a single, fascist government. The Illuminati supposedly derives from very old secret societies.

Some fans believe The Order of Denderah has similar characteristics to the Illuminati. The Order of Denderah, according to Gemma, is an ancient secret society that traces its roots back to ancient Egyptian times. Like the Illuminati rumors, the Order of Denderah has members placed in many positions of influence. Evidence of this was given by Bree when she stated that politicians and police officers often met at her house with her parents over Order business. Aleister Crowley is sometimes mentioned as having been involved with Illuminati activities.


Knights Templar

The Occult
