Me For Daniel

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I've been up all night, trying to figure a way out of this. I watched the Op Aphid video of Daniel being held, i watched all of the videos, actually. I just can't, I can't believe these people, I mean they have cameras everywhere. Their in our cars, and their in our homes, its just I mean (sigh). There was a saying when I was a kid, I think I talked about it once before -Op Aphid- it um, Acknologed their Position and Helped Initiate a Dialogue. It's kind of a way to communicate with outsiders, although I don't know how this kidnapping and spying thing fits in. It's so......scary and overwhelming at the same time. I'm just tired of fighting them. I mean all Daniel wanted to do was help me. He's just been so good to me. And he gave up his life for me and he left home, now he's missing. After what happened with my father, all I wanted to do was fight them, but now how do you fight an enemy with these kind of resources? I mean they are everywhere. They can see everything. All of this stuff started happening when i refused to do the ceremony. Thats when they started chasing me and thats when they started puting cameras in Daniel's house. So, I'm gonna end this, I'm gonna do the ceremony. I've gotta get Daniel back, he doesn't deserve to be wrapped up in this. Lucy, if you're watching this, of course you're watching this, email me and tell me when and where. I just wanna do this fast. Just, I wanna get it over with. Straight up trade, me for Daniel.