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Pinkfrostedcupcakes is 18 years old and resides in Wisconsin. She has many nicknames, including frosted, pinky, and pfc. She is 4'10.5", making her the shortest reg. Her most distinguishing feature however, is her white-blonde hair. She is known for dating dirty people and also for being more pervy than LordGreystoke422, as has been called out as such by grey himself. She's usually on cam and audio but has not been of late because of home issues, but when on, she is very expressive and loud. Buggar is jealous of her Furby.


Animal: Dolphins, of course.

Color: Pink, aduh. Green is almost tied.

Music: '77 punk rock.

Food: Cheese fries, steak crunchwrap.

Chatroom: Wherever the party is.

Saying on audio: "BAAAAAABYYY!" She's in the process of perfecting her "GRRR"

Owen.jpg This user's favorite lg15 stuffed character is Owen.
HotBaloon.jpg This user still likes Gemma, even if she is evil. Go figure.
Scissors.JPG This user took some scissors to Cassie's wig.
PSW This user enjoys Proving Science Wrong!
Plot twist overload.jpg This user is suffering from plot twist overload.