Talk:Alex Is...

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She just let daniel go? Maybe because she wanted to make sure that her message was heard? Thats the only reason I can think of.

She's fucking nuts.

bizzare. Jonas was supposedly a random 'fan' who offered Bree & Daniel a place to stay with what appeared to be no known affiliations to the order, and now he just suddenly IS linked to the order the whole time? coincidence? or a plot gap?

No i don't believe its a coincidence, I sure hope it will be explained though


Maybe the reason Jonas was able to offer help was because he had the resources to do so (money, no parental interference, house, etc) and the presence of those resources might be due to the Order...?

notice Alex said "the what Order" instead of the more grammatically likely "the Order of what?". who has ever heard of a group called the "whatever" Order? it's much for common to be called the Order of the "whatever" (i.e. "Princess Diaries"' fictional "The Order of the Rose"). Before I read the end of the transcript, this detail alone told me "she knows stuff; big stuff." even to the point where she knows the proper name of the Order (there's a group supposedly so secret, people call it the name of the hotel they meet at; no outsiders know its proper name.) Also, Alex mentions "I couldn't have killed your parents because they're still alive". Um, who mentioned death? Jonas only mentioned the collection of articles and such were of people she "betrayed". I think Alex is tipping her hand a little prematurely by such suggestions of her knowing the Order's true name and willing to jump to murder when no one mentioned it.

I don't have the ability (or health; I sick :( ) to do this, but I am suggesting that in order (no pun intended) to see where the Order was inspired from, we should search for groups that their title follows the format "The ____ Order". -- Nieriel.Manwathiel