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HyeMew was an early LG15 fan who worked to make the Phorum a vibrant place. Prior to his appearance at the Phorum on August 7, 2006, as the 12th registered user, there was very little posting activity.

One of HyeMew's many claims to fame is his creation of a myspace Danielbeast page on August 7, 2006. Since Lonelygirl15 already had a legitimate myspace page, it was widely assumed that myspace Danielbeast was authentic. Among other things, Hyewmew determined that Phorum poster "t" was a fake through the use of this myspace account, and also learned that one of the broader group that was later whittled down to become the Phorum 3 had tried to rat out their plan to the creators.

Thus, for all these reasons, and many more, it was fitting that Virginia Hefferman of the New York Times dubbed HyeMew the "Dauntless Dean of All LG15 Fans" on September 7, 2006. [1]

HyeMew later became a moderator at both The Children of Anchor Cove and the official LonelyGirl15.com forums.