User talk:Psichopate

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Revision as of 19:57, 21 April 2007 by OwenIsCool (Talk | contribs)

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Hi Psichopate,
First off, I wanted to say thanks for all the edits you've been making, particularly the transcripts for the aaronbeast videos, finishing up the party guests article and working on the HSAO videos. I saw that you put a new picture of rejected92 in the List of Ceremony Candidates page, but I put the old picture back up. I just thought the new one was too small (all the other pictures were bigger) and I didn't think they looked all that different. I didn't realize rejected92 had expressed that she wanted a new picture. Do you think you could find a higher res picture that she would be happy with? Weird request, I know, but I just wanted the page to look clean and even.
Thanks for the help!
OwenIsCool 14:57, 21 April 2007 (CDT)