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Revision as of 07:19, 22 October 2006 by Terryfic (Talk | contribs) (Oops, putting back a couple things I REALLY didn't mean to delete)

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Terryfic was an early fan of lonelygirl15 and an early poster at the phorum. He created one of the most watched lonelygirl15 fan videos, I am the very model of a popular YouTube auteur.

Terryfic is a moderator at The Children of Anchor Cove.

For several weeks, Terryfic served as the Phorum's Site Admin under the reign name Bukanator III. During his reign, a feudal empire spanning thousands of inhabited star systems developed, with power shared among the Padishah Emperor, the noble houses of the Landsraad, and the Spacing Guild, which possesses a monopoly over interstellar travel. With the fall of the house of Corrino, Terryfic has abdicated the throne to TWJaniak, who now rules as Bukanator IV (not to be confused with Bukanator 7.3).

Terryfic is going to marry Alissa Brooke in 7 years.

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