The Resistance

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The Resistance refers to those fighting against the Order. Since Subjects Apprehended, the descriptions of the Lonelygirl15 videos have contained a "faction" component, one of which has been "The Resistance". This faction has been applied to the videos that Bree, Daniel, and Jonas have posted.BDJ found much information about the old Resistance when they went to the bunker.

The reason why the Creators decided to add "The Resistance" to the summary section is becasue after Subjects Apprehended, they wanted to set up a system so that BDJ as well as the order would be able to make and upload video's without the others seeing it.

According to recent videos, it appears that there was once a schism in the Order where many members began to work against the side that remains known as "The Order." Many of these members however appeared to have dissapeared or killed off in "accidents."