OpAphid's Profile Updates Archive

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This page's purpose is to archive updates from OpAphid's YouTube profile; A character in the OpAphid ARG.

October 20th, 2006

When looking at eternity, and trying to justify it against our place at this moment in time, it's quite common to
wonder how all of the pieces fit together. Perhaps the better question is "Do most people even see the whole picture?" Or are they missing out on seemingly
obscure fractions of great importance that could help it all start to become clear? By the time you reach the end,
will you even remember every sign you ignored at the beginning? In the grand scheme of things, we are playing with preciously little time. Alas, without order, we are left
only with chaos. -- I am reminded of this writing in one of our historical texts, by the Roman philosopher Nomanyuos. I attempted to
verify the translation on the internet, but unfortunately he remains a victim of harsh damnatio memoriae for his
ideas and philosophies that did not bode well with members of certain sects. This less controversial musing regards
the Roman Forum and its importance in his time: ---- "Were it not for the forum, there would be no discourse amongst the people. Were it not for this discourse, there would be no clear vision. Were it not for clear vision, the hard work of our politicians, citizens, slaves—not even our armies could ever
bring any guidance toward the right path. But if not for the hard work behind clear vision arrived at through discourse, the forum itself could never have
been built." ----- Historically it is important to note, however, that most Emperors and politicians enjoyed their greatest triumphs
when the forums remained largely unaware of their actions, and did not inquire about their intentions. But
Nomanyuos, like most philosophers, had virtually no wealth, power or influence. Would you find it coincidental that
history is full of "populists" with similar views? Regardless, great rewards await the chosen few who can see even a fraction of the wisdom and truth that is right
before their very eyes.
  5 / 5   - Incoming... 

Take a moment to think about your decision in going forward. Should you be capable of doing so, which side will you
choose? If so, do you see the bigger picture? Do you grasp even a fraction of the meaning that lies within?
The five pieces are in front of you. 

Do you see the bigger picture? Do you grasp even a fraction of the meaning that lies within? 

Take a moment to think about your decision in going forward. Should you be capable of doing so, which side will you

October 21st, 2006

When lost, it helps to focus back to the beginning. 

The five pieces are in front of you. 

Do you see the bigger picture? Do you grasp even a fraction of the meaning that lies within? 

Take a moment to think about your decision in going forward. Should you be capable of doing so, which side will you
The five pieces are in front of you. You clearly see fractions of the larger picture. It's hardly a pure science, is
it? But again, take a moment to think about your decision in going forward. Should you be capable of doing so, which
side will you choose?
The five pieces are in front of you. You clearly see fractions of the larger picture. It's hardly a pure science, is
it? You're off to a good start, but it shall remain a modest accomplishment if there is only order without purpose. But again, take a moment to think about your decision in going forward. Should you be capable of doing so, which
side will you choose?
One of you has already found purity within the order. 
Can you be trusted with a secret you have earned?
Some can be trusted with a secret, while others obviously cannot. 

Do not be so quick to believe everything that you read, especially when there are agents amongst you who wish to
interfere by spreading disinformation. The truly worthy should ask themselves if they understand what is being asked of them. Only then will they be prepared for the challenges that await.
To those who have proven themselves worthy: 

Find instruction within the message. Only then will you be prepared. 

The first step toward any solution? The A in APHID, of course.

However, do not underestimate the importance of rest. Even God rested on the seventh day. 

Sleep is a reward for some, a punishment for others. For all, it is a sanction.
To those who have proven themselves worthy: 

Find instruction within the message. Only then will you be prepared. 

The first step toward any solution? ANALYSIS. Analyze the data in front of you. 

However, do not underestimate the importance of rest. Even God rested on the seventh day. 

Sleep is a reward for some, a punishment for others. For all, it is a sanction

October 22nd, 2006

Are we rested and refreshed? 

Only those who have found instruction within the message will be prepared to prove their worth--if they understand
the P in APHID. Sometimes additional enlightenment can be found hidden amongst information we previously considered a part of our
history... The first step toward any solution? ANALYSIS. Analyze the data in front of you.
To PROTECT is our greatest purpose, above all others. The importance of PROTECTION is essential to understand before
any further progress can be made. Only those who have found instruction within the message will be prepared to prove their worth in this regard. While
history is full of subtle clues toward greater secrets, some messages are meant to be taken literally--regardless
of any deeper connections we might suspect. The first step toward any solution? ANALYSIS. Analyze the data in front of you.
If called upon, will you know what to do?

October 23rd, 2006

Some things are secret for a reason. There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.

October 24th, 2006

For those who have proven their worth through action, the date draws near. 

If called upon, will you know what to do? 

Some things are secret for a reason. There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.

October 26th, 2006

"True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing." 

For those who have proven their worth through action, enjoy what little time you have left to prepare. 

If called upon, will you know what to do?

October 27th, 2006

And Remember: 

Regardless of what you read in internet chat rooms, the H in APHID does not actually stand for "HOLLA."

October 28th, 2006

Today is the day. Be ready.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action... 

"True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing."
The time is now. 

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action...

October 29th, 2006

Study your enemy... Look into her "eyes."
It's quite doubtful that the perpetrator of this betrayal would use coding methods so primitive