Lonelygirl15 Season Finale 9 of 12 - 4 pm

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The sound of breaking glass can be heard. Taylor and Jonas stumble into a dimly lit room. Jonas: *groans* Taylor: Okay. I gotchya, I gotchya, okay? Jonas: Uhhh. Ow. Ow. Taylor: Hang on. I'm going to have to set you down, okay? I'm gonna go over here. Jonas: Okay...okay...okay. *groans and gasps for air* Taylor: Okay, I gotchya. Hang on. Right over here. Okay, okay, sit right here, okay? Okay? I gotchya. Oh my god, you're bleeding everywhere! Jonas: Ow, gah. Taylor: Okay, shhh. They're coming. Jonas, Jonas, stop it, stop stop stop. *puts hand over Jonas's mouth* Jonas: *clutches stomach and gasps for air* Taylor: *whispers* Stop. Jonas, are you okay? Jonas: *strained* Yep. Where's Daniel? Taylor: I don't know, I think he's hiding. Jonas: Are you al- are you okay? Are you alright? Are you alright? Taylor: No no no. I'm fine. Jonas: You sure? You sure? Taylor: You're the one who got stabbed okay? I'm fine. Please, don't die on me! *hysterical* Please don't die! Jonas: Taylor, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I brought you here. I'm sorry I brought you here. You.. you guys were involved with this. Taylor: No, no. Oh my god, you're bleeding everywhere. Jonas: No, I'm so- listen to me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Taylor: Stop, stop talking. *whispers* Stop. Jonas: You were happy in Texas and you were normal and you're...you're 16 years old. God, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Taylor: No, I wasn't.. I wasn't happy, okay? I'm glad I'm here. I'm glad I'm here. Jonas: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Taylor: Okay, stop talking. *sob* Jonas: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Taylor: It's okay. Jonas: Where's Sarah? Is she here? Taylor: Don't know. She hasn't texted me back yet. Okay, keep pressure. Jonas: *more gasps* Okay, okay. Taylor: Jonas, you know you can trust us, alright? Both of us. Jonas: I know. She'll come through. I know she will. Taylor: *whispers* Oh my god. Jonas: I know that...I know that...I know that you didn't get to know Bree very well. She's really gonna like you. Taylor: Yeah, okay. Please stop talking. You need to rest. Okay, keep pressure.

  • light flickers*

Taylor: Stay with me, Jonas. *whispers* Stay with me. Jonas: Ah. *winces with pain* Taylor: Jonas. Jonas. Someone's coming. Someone's coming. Jonas: Ow. Taylor: Stay with me. Shhhh.

  • door opens slowly*

Daniel: Thank god, there you are. We gotta go, the shadows are gone. Need help? Let's go. Taylor: I'm gonna make you stand, okay? Jonas: Okay. *groans as Taylor helps him up* Taylor: Careful. Daniel: Come on.