Free Will (video)

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Template:KMBlog Free Will is the twenty-second webisode in the KateModern video series.


(Steve is pacing around Kate's bedroom)

Steve: It's a simple story really, classic themes. Happiness, sadness, love, violence. (Cut to Steve sitting on Kate's bed) Kate visited a doctor to follow up an abnormal blood test, twenty-four hours later she ended up in this bed, (strokes the bed) with absolutely no recollection of what happened to her in between. (Cut to Steve holding Kate's scarf) She's had a rough week. Her friends don't believe her and her boyfriend, Tariq, he doesn't trust her. Well I do, I trust her and I wanna help. So! Boy meets girl, girl meets new boy, old boy punches new boy, new boy goes to the police, old boy goes to prison...(laughs) Nah, I wouldn't really do that mate, I wouldn't go to the police. (Starts making Kate's bed) Some people know how to show restraint. (Steve sits back down on the bed and sighs) The plot thickens. New boy belongs to a religion that the old boy doesn't understand. Regardless, the Hymn of One is not relevant to my interest in Kate. I just wanna help her get her memory back. I mean can't a person help a fellow human in need? (Cut to a shot of a live search for "alien autopsy" on Kate's laptop) Alien autopsy, aliens are not real. (Cut to a live search for "bonsai kitten") Bonsai kittens, a hoax, Tariq, no-one is raising kittens in little jars. (Cut to a shot of Lonelygirl15, those kids in America, the Order. D'you really believe in a secret society? Killing girls and using their blood for eternal life? Heres what's true, for the past week I have been helping Kate (Steve walks over to a table and picks up a mobile phone) and I succeeded...because I used my brain not my fists. (Three pictures are shown) Found these pictures on Kate's phone, she doesn't remember taking them. (Steve is sitting at a laptop) I'm gonna post them onto Kate's Bebo site, so everyone can help us find out where they're from. I promised Kate I would help figure out where she went, who's responsible, I'll do it by noon on Saturday. And Tariq, why don't you help? You can be part of this story too.


  • This is Steve's first video blog.
  • This is the first time lonelygirl15 and the Order have been mentioned by name in KateModern.
  • This video explains that the Ceremony is used to give the Elders eternal life.
  • Steve actually put the pictures up on both his and Kate's Bebo page.
  • When Steve shows the LG15 homepage, the KateModern icon is shown on the lower left corner. Therefore, if he says Lonelygirl15 isn't real, neither is KateModern, and neither is he.