Horror Movies vs Horror Films...

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Episode 0002
Horror Movies vs Horror Films...

Horrorlass horrorfilms vs movies.jpg

Blogger horrorlass
Date Posted April 25th, 2007
URL youtube.com
Description I needed a break from studying so I made another video!

Enjoy my elaborate death scene and the fact I have less fringe in my eyes today :)

Location(s) {{{location}}}
YouTube Tags horrorlass horror films movies my fringe

Alessandra Unknown
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Horror Movies vs Horror Films... is the second video in the horrorlass video series.


Alessandra: Hi everyone, it's me again. After I did my last video, some people talked about how my fringe is always in my eyes, so today, I'm going to try to keep my fringe out of my eyes for you. So you can see my eyes. Yeah, you're right. I really do need a haircut. Seriously. Shocking. Amazingly bad. I got a comment from ??? after I did my last video as well, saying that she didn't like to watch horror movies, because they're too scary. I think that horror movies and horror films are quite different. To me, horror movies are the ones that are really cheesy, and you just laugh at them. And they're normally pretty gory and you can just laugh at how bad they are. Where as horror films are the ones that actually make you really concerned about the characters. And makes you really worried for their lives. Especially when you know that at any moment they're going to meet their fate.

(Mimes slitting her throat and choking to death.)

Alessandra: Sometimes I think it's quite fun to get involved in films. Like if the main character's walking to his fate, and the killer's waiting for him, I'm like... shouting. "Don't go in the cellar. Where's it's dark... on your own. What are you doing, you dumb prat?" Sometimes I wonder if anyone ever does that about me. Like, if someone, somewhere is watching me and shouting, "No... no don't do that. You stupid girl." But I'd always do it anyway. The last horror film I watched was called "Camp Blood". Muahahaha. It's about this group of young people who decide to go camping out in the woods near an abandoned ???. I know, good idea, huh? And, they get chased by a murderous clown. I know it sounds ridiculous, but you know, "Snakes on a Plane" sounded quite ridiculous at first, but that turned out to be alright. Sometimes I think that if things start out sounding quite outrageous, if they're presented in a certain way, they can start to make sense. That's all I've got time for at the moment. I shall have to leave you now and go and revise. I hope you are well, and I'll speak to you soon. Bye.
