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This template creates character boxes in variable sizes, for use on Characters and KM Characters, for example.



All parameters have a default value, so if a certain parameter is unneeded, it can be omitted without damage (e.g. float).

Parameter What to put there Default if omitted
float "left" or "right", without quotes. None. If float isn't set, the box doesn't float.
width Width of the character box, in pixels, without "px". 240px
height Height of the character box, any valid css unit. If omitted, height is automatically determined
background The box's background color. Accepts any valid HTML color name or code.
Note: In fact, this accepts any valid CSS background statement – so a knowledgable person can use background images, too.
border Any valid CSS border statement, in the form of size style color.
Any valid size statement, e.g. "2px"
Any one of: dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset.
Any valid HTML color name or code.
None. If omitted, there is no border.
image Purely the name of the image to use, without "Image:" prefix. None. If omitted, no image is displayed.
imageborder The border around the image. For input, see border. None. If omitted, there is no border.
imagewidth The width of the image to display, in pixels, without "px". Half of the box's width.
charactername Purely the name of the character, nothing else. If a page with that name exists, a link will be created automatically. The text "character's name".
charactername-size The text size of the character name, in pixels, without "px". One thirteenth of the box width.
charactername-color The text color of the character name; accepts any valid HTML color name or code. Black.
actorname Purely the name of the actor, nothing else. If a page with that name exists, a link will be created automatically. The text "Unknown".
actorname-size The text size of the actor name, in pixels, without "px". One twenty-first of the box width.
actorname-color The text color of the actor name; accepts any valid HTML color name or code. Black.
characterblurb Whatever you want to say about that character. The text "character blurb missing".
characterblurb-size The text size of the character blurb, in pixels, without "px". One twentieth of the box width.
characterblurb-color The text color of the character blurb; accepts any valid HTML color name or code. Black.


Daniel's box from Characters:

|border=2px solid MidnightBlue
|imageborder=1px solid MidnightBlue
|actorname=Yousef Abu-Taleb
|characterblurb=[[Bree]]'s loyal friend and budding filmmaker.

Portrayed by: Yousef Abu-Taleb

Bree's loyal friend and budding filmmaker.

The minimalist version:

|actorname=Yousef Abu-Taleb
|characterblurb=[[Bree]]'s loyal friend and budding filmmaker.

Portrayed by: Yousef Abu-Taleb

Bree's loyal friend and budding filmmaker.

A micro-box:

|border=1px solid MidnightBlue
|actorname=Yousef Abu-Taleb
|characterblurb=[[Bree]]'s loyal friend and budding filmmaker.

Portrayed by: Yousef Abu-Taleb

Bree's loyal friend and budding filmmaker.