Devon Days

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Devon Days

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Blogger Charlie
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Charlie: We're in Devon. Can't you smell the sea in the air? I just felt like we really needed to get out of London after all the crazy stuff that happened with Kate at the art exhibition. We just needed to be somewhere else. Hey, Kate? What are you doing? Kate. (she kisses Kate the forehead - Kate has been crying) Babe, it's okay, we're away from it all now. We're away from everything. No one can hurt you here. It's okay. It's gonna be fine. Look, we're gonna have fun and no one can get you here.

(Cut to Charlie and Kate making drawings in the sand, buying ice cream, and wading in the water.

Charlie: No more crazy doctors, crazy people at art exhibitions and I think she's actually cracking a smile for once.

(Kate calls Charlie over and splashes her with water. They both laugh. They spot a group of guys further down the beach.)

Charlie: Kate! Kate, look there's a band!

Kate: Shall we go and say hi?

Charlie: Definitely. Hey guys do you need a video? Kate makes videos, don't you Kate? I should be Kate's agent.

Kate: (talking to band members about ideas) So we can do like that, yeah? We'll start on the beach...

Band guy: Let's do some filming now.

Kate: Okay, but we'll have to get the video from Charlie first.