Silent Treatment

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This is the 80th episode of LonelyGirl15.


Daniel:I'm not talking to Bree right now. She thinks this is some sort of game.

Bree:No I don't. And might I add that the whole Survival Skills thing was Owen's idea?

Daniel:See what I mean? Our parents really don't care where I am. Their not exactly the hands on type. I call my mom every few days. She thinks I'm camping or whatever. Anyways, this sucks. I don't know who's following us or even if we are being followed. I was taking classes down at JC. I wanted to study film. It's just frustrating. My life's gone.

Bree:And what about my life?

Daniel: (He looks back at her, and looks annoyed, but says nothing before he looks back to the camera.) I really wish things would go back to normal.