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Revision as of 14:20, 17 November 2007 by MichaelBeast15 (Talk | contribs) (Transcript)

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Episode 350/2x094

0345 SarahAlone.jpg
Leave me here all alone?!

Blogger Jonas
Date Posted November 16th, 2007
URL old.LG15.com
Forum [14974 forum discussion]
Length 2:26
Description I shouldn't have left her there all alone.
Location(s) Desert
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 danielbeast daniel jonas jonastko soccerstar hymnofone order
Jonas Jackson Davis
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Missing Friends"
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Previous by Jonas "Rescued?!"

DANGEROUS DESERT is the three-hundred fiftieth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the ninety-fourth video of season two. DANGEROUS DESERT is the three-hundred fiftieth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the ninety-fourth video of season two.


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Sara: Jonas slow Down!

(Jonas Is riding away on a bike)

Sara: Slow down

(Sara Falls of her bike and drops camera)

Jonas: You ok?

Sara: Yeah Im Fine.

(Cuts to Sara)

Sara: So I got a flat tire...I guess thats what happens when you try and keep up with speed racer Over here

(Cuts to Jonas looking over Sara's bike)

Jonas: Great I can't patch this

Sara: (Off camera) I dont understand why this is so urgent

Jonas: Because We need to go back and check the verdus webiste [1] how many times do I have to tell you that? Look. Remember?

                 (Flashes Camera Phone with picture)

Sara:(off camera) Oh right i completely forgot

Sara: Jonas Snuck his camera phone into the tour that Carl gave us even though he specifically asked us not to

Jonas : So what,not were listening to what carl says?

Sara: He thinks he saw some random guy

Jonas: I dont think i saw some random guy


  • This is the first video of Season Two to have a title composed of entirely capital letters, and the first all caps titled video since FOLLOW YOUR HAPPINESS (Jun. 21, 2007).