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The box Daniel found has an asymmetrical lemniscate shape imprinted on it.
The lemniscate shape on the box could be representative of the double helix shape of DNA.

In his video Back At Bree's, Daniel returns to Bree's house to look for clues as to what might have happened to her parents. He says that he found something, but he does not say what it was. In a later video, Undisclosed Location, he demonstrates that he found a box with lemniscate imprinted on it, and in Breaking And Entering, he finds boxes with the same symbols.


In algebraic geometry, the word lemniscate refers to any of several figure-eight or shaped curves, of which the best known is the Lemniscate of Bernoulli. It is also sometimes used to refer to the ∞ symbol used in mathematics as a symbol for infinity.

Significance in the series

Daniel said that the box had an invoice in it, which he used to find information about the company from which it came. Although Daniel didn't provide any additional information, Bree commented on the symbol. In Skateboarding she mentions that the symbol looks familiar and that she thinks it was the logo of a company where her father used to work. He did research for them and specialized in ribozymes, so presumably the company researches genomes. In this context, the lemniscate symbol could be representative of the double helix shape of DNA.



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