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Episode 39/1x039

Mmmm... I can taste the blood already!

Date Posted March 26th, 2009
Forum forum discussion
Length 1:02
Description Maska
Location(s) The Polaks' apartment, Outside Daniel's Cell, Outside Kama, Natan, & Justyna's apartment
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Marcin Męczkowski
Producer(s) Miles Beckett, Greg Goodfried, Amanda Goodfried, and Kamil Przełęcki
Vidplay Jakub Kossakowski
Story Maura Ładosz
Music Paris Music/Vivart
Universal Publishing Production Music
Ola Ania Narloch
Magda Iwona Karlicka
Rafał Ernest Nita
Dominika Monika Mazur
Natan Mateusz Mikołajczyk
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Resume"
Next "Antrakt"

Przypomnienie is the thirty-ninth video in the N1ckola video series.Loosely translated, the video title means "Memento."


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(All lines in this transcript were either originally in English or have been translated into English. N1ckola intro is shown. Magda talks on the phone inside the Polaks' apartment.)

Magda: Yes, everything is ready. Another phase of plan is done.

Rafał: Were there any problems?

Magda: (Looking at pictures on a bureau.) Yes, but everything's okay now. No worries.

Rafał: Okay, in that case, disappear.

Magda: I know, I know that they're getting ready.

(Cut to Rafał talking on the phone walking away from Daniel's Cell.)

Rafał: That's good. I already have the tickets. (Pauses to wipe the make-up off of his face.) I need to go now, because I'm gonna be late for a plane. (Cut back to Magda.) Time to remind Nickola of us.

Magda: Okay, bye baby.

(Magda hangs up. Magda's eyes, along with the camera, focus in on a painting of a general and his horse hanging on the wall. Cut briefly to Dominika walking towards Ola and Natan at the car. Credits are then shown.)
