Recovered Memory/Full chatlog

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Revision as of 02:17, 28 March 2008 by Renegade (Talk | contribs) (Full logs - posting in parts since the pedia can't handle the full thing)

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These are the unabriged logs of the chat following Recovered Memory - a filtered version can be found here.

*	Traveler50 ( has joined #lg15chat
<charlette>	ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<SocksRock>	my lil eric loves him too
*	Traveler08 ( has joined #lg15chat
<charlette>	shush
<livelovelaugh>	You ok???
<GlacialRose>	Ah... Plantcake = Mole...
*	Traveler87 ( has joined #lg15chat
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	ya
<Chelseyrl>	quiet!
<SocksRock>	he loves to watch you on the youtube
<mtl4ever>	i love spamchannels^^
*	Traveler72 is now known as SoundSoldier
<DisenchantedBabe>	yayy
<littleapplegirl>	i have a secret: i auditioned for this show when it started. :(
*	JesskaFace kmmano let them talk its okay. we only have a few minutes. and the mods will take care of it
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	did you get my pm??
<newsie>	lol
*	ApotheosisAZ has disconnected (" ajax IRC Client")
<Kemo>	gine & bree ARE sisters
<immortal1>	thanks socks
<masonishappy>	loud noises!
<silentdre>	quatre minutes
<GlacialRose>	I thought it was a delicious dessert I'd never heard of...
<Shiori>	Transcript is up
*	Traveler05 (i=traveler@ has joined #lg15chat
*	kmmanofakind everyone stop talking mk we want this chat to be peaceful for Gina dont you think she has had enough
<KaNicole>	dude... there's a tornado warning here... i hope my power doesn't go out
<littleapplegirl>	clearly i was not cas
<DisenchantedBabe>	fpIs she in?
<SocksRock>	your weclome :)
<september2star>	hey pmonks!!!!
<SickSlickMan>	my and the other mods have the patience of gods if they can handle all of this
<SocksRock>	see mason!
<Preposterous>	Oh! I finally get plantcake now xD
*	Traveler59 ( has joined #lg15chat
<malloreo>	hello
<SocksRock>	thats how you talk to people
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	heyy sept!!
<silentdre>	vier Minuten
<SickSlickMan>	i have never respected them more than today
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Norris can speak braille.
*	Traveler70 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SocksRock>	you dont ignore them, thats rude
<juliacat>	tornados are terrible!
<Chelseyrl>	:'( there are way too many ppl here
*	Traveler59 is now known as jasmine
<Hannah13>	ppl please
<DisenchantedBabe>	ahh
<Liso>	there is a tornado warning wherei am to!!!!!!!!!!
<Evergreen>	hey jasmine
<drstrangelove17>	haha, I know. I wandered out for a while to look at waking life clips.
<malloreo>	why isn't anyone talking again
<DisenchantedBabe>	im so excited
*	luvLG15 is now known as luvflower
*	Traveler69 ( has joined #lg15chat
<littleapplegirl>	why are we talking about chuck norris?
*	ApotheosisAZ (i=3f87eb7a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<SocksRock>	me too!
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Noris puts the "laughter" in "manslaughter".
<PinkTigger>	lolm i already have a list of questions :)
<SoundSoldier>	Hey everyone. =].
*	BrandiLynn ( has joined #lg15chat
<mib_dq86lggu>	haha u have a tornado warning and all u care about is your power! ( i mean that in the most harmelss way possible)
<newsie>	I cant wait
<Traveler56>	how is  this followable?
<SocksRock>	im so excited
*	Traveler05 is now known as candyappleretto
<drstrangelove17>	too much childishness.
*	Traveler69 is now known as Quirkynesss
<GlacialRose>	Tornado? We don't get those where I am...
<juliacat>	I live in Atlanta and it was really scary a few weeks ago when it hit downtown!
<JesskaFace>	really? i don't remember our last tornado
<SocksRock>	I cant wait
<Evergreen>	hey traveler69, whats your nickname?
<caravelle436>	In-character chat rules: No imitating characters. No swearing or abusive talk. Do not use colors or bold or all caps in an effort to be noticed. These may all result in you being banned from chat.
<Preposterous>	Chuck Norris doesn't read. He stares at books and demands information.
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	sooooo dezzy......
<JazmynGrey>	Apo!
<mtl4ever>	silentdre: what country do u come from?
<JazmynGrey>	Brandi!
<mib_dq86lggu>	i would be hiding under a ... idk
<silentdre>	cheddarcheese, did you know chuck norris once walked through town with an erection?
*	JesskaFace goodluck to anyone with tornado warnings
<jasmine>	CC! *HUGGLES*
<silentdre>	nobody survived
<AnarchyAmes>	lol
*	luvflower is now known as funkymonkey21
<mib_dq86lggu>	i dont get tornados
*	Traveler69 ( has joined #lg15chat
<DisenchantedBabe>	:)
<ILOVEFRANCE>	then turn off ur electricity or u could get electricuted
<Chelseyrl>	silent, wtc
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
*	Traveler26 is now known as amanda
*	Traveler50 is now known as redSUV51
<Jackie>	kayla
*	Traveler39 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Liso>	im in missouri right in tornado ally
<masonishappy>	shall I pull out a shotgun and start taking some of the talkers out?
<DisenchantedBabe>	hehe 69
<alyssaxlea>	:)
<silentdre>	mtl4ever, the US of A
*	Traveler69 has disconnected (Client Quit)
<Traveler78>	Chuck Norris can run around the world and touch his own back.
<Jackie>	hehe
*	Traveler39 is now known as blade8r
<funkymonkey21>	omggg
*	JazmynGrey opens the anti insanity shield to let in Apo and Brandi
*	GlacialRose is in the frigide cold of Canada...
<SteamboatMickey>	3 minutes!
<malloreo>	3 minutes
<DisenchantedBabe>	Jackie!?
<Kemo>	people saying anything baout chuck norris will be ignored
<charlette>	shush
<Hannah13>	                                                               3 min
<alyssaxlea>	2
*	Traveler01 (n=traveler@VDSL-130-13-233-121.PHNX.QWEST.NET) has joined #lg15chat
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Norris was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and was the first to spin. The next 29 minutes of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly, waiting for the wheel to stop.
<charlette>	man
<toniegirl>	w00t
<drstrangelove17>	wow.
<JenniPowell>	mason: that was a little far
<SocksRock>	no mason!
*	kmmanofakind Calm down everyone She will be here soon
<SocksRock>	thats mean
<AnarchyAmes>	*sigh*
<Jackie>	Kayla ?!
*	jasmine huggles live
*	samibobami is now known as cheetosrhot
<JazmynGrey>	Over here... its safer...
<SocksRock>	your really mean
<charlette>	this is annoying
<Preposterous>	Chuck Norris visited the Virgin Islands. Now they're just the islands.
<Evergreen>	hey traveler01, whats your nickname?
<Traveler56>	slow down
<JenniPowell>	let's not threaten to harm people please
*	Traveler39 ( has joined #lg15chat
<DisenchantedBabe>	haahah i didnt know u were here
<lioness23>	i saw bree in a movie the other day i forgot what it was called but it was a scary movie with lindsey lohan
>quote_marker<	Gina chat
*	Traveler99 ( has joined #lg15chat
*	Traveler70 is now known as Amander
<Liso>	lol
<SocksRock>	I bet you dont even watch other fan series mason
<masonishappy>	...just sayin'
<KaNicole>	yeah, I'm in Arkansas
<Quirkynesss>	-le sigh-
<livelovelaugh>	Jasmine!
<Jackie>	haha ya
*	Traveler24 (n=traveler@ has joined #lg15chat
*	Traveler52 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SocksRock>	ahve you seen The Coalition videos?
*	kmmanofakind I know who killed me
<SocksRock>	they are awesome!@
<jasmine>	sup
*	Traveler05 (n=traveler@ has joined #lg15chat
<mib_dq86lggu>	(laughs)
<mtl4ever>	silentdre: in that case, nice language abilities^^
<drstrangelove17>	hahaha, quirky
<NinjaLama>	guys....take a deep breath, slow down and......yeah :P
*	Traveler39 has disconnected (Client Quit)
<mtl4ever>	^
<SoundSoldier>	I know who killed me.
<SocksRock>	hi jasmine!
<Traveler13>	i know who killed me
*	hopefulsemblance threatens people with love
<GlacialRose>	Bree and Lindsey lohan? I thought she was better than that...
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Norris thought up some of the funniest Chuck Norris facts ever, but he hasn't submitted them to the site because he doesn't believe in any form of submission.
<PinkTigger>	:) :) :) I love Jenni! :) :) :)
<blade8r>	lots of anynonmous people
<silentdre>	mtl4ever, thanks ~.^
<TheBeautifulMstk>	you know...its probably the show creators or some secretary
<jasmine>	sup
<SocksRock>	jenni rocks!
<mib_dq86lggu>	oh sorry about that one guys
<littleapplegirl>	heres wha ithink: Gina should go with bree's mom. but she should take with her A GPS TRACKING DEVICE. and they should be in a car waiting to follow her. TELL ME if yo agree
*	Traveler32 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Evergreen>	Traveler13, what nick do youw ant to use?
<rach28>	lol chdr
<funkymonkey21>	Gina is watching
<DisenchantedBabe>	:)
<Traveler32>	t
*	Traveler89 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SickSlickMan>	yeah, our little silent one is a master of the tongue
<cheddarcheese>	Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris
*	Traveler73 ( has joined #lg15chat
<DisenchantedBabe>	Don
*	Traveler52 is now known as lindholmka
<Traveler25>	how do you change you
<SteamboatMickey>	No Chuck Norris jokes! >.<
<Hannah13>	                                                                              hello
<silentdre>	in more ways than one, tom
<SickSlickMan>	...not in the way one would want him to be, tho
<DisenchantedBabe>	t trust bree's mom, she's just another Aunt Alex
<Traveler25>	r nickname
*	silentdre winks
*	Traveler83 ( has joined #lg15chat
>#LG15chat<	Now is the time to turn off any autoresponses left
*	Traveler10 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SteamboatMickey>	LA REZISTO
<mib_dq86lggu>	ok so gina should go with her mom but take a jet pack.
<Evergreen>	Traveller25 what do you want to use as your nick?
<Renegade15>	jasmine please let go of your shift key
*	Traveler17 ( has joined #lg15chat
*	Broken_Kid sets channel mode -c #LG15chat
*	ChanServ sets channel mode +c #LG15chat
<heyaja>	no caps please
<Liso>	omg
<Traveler25>	hi
<malloreo>	2 minutes
<mib_dq86lggu>	then she can fly away.
*	PinkTigger is soo excited!
*	Traveler67 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Traveler13>	2 mins
<Preposterous>	There is no theory of evolution, only a list of animals Chuck Norris has allowed to survive.
<immortal1>	I went to NowLive and no one was there LOL
<kmmanofakind>	Please everyone calm down
<TheBeautifulMstk>	GPS...swallow one..all the chick on lg15 need to lol :-) :-)
<cheddarcheese>	If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death.
<malloreo>	1 minute
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	chat makes me dizzy
<Hannah13>	1 min
*	voyboy ( has joined #lg15chat
<charlette>	shush ppl
*	mib_42ewbceb (i=4611ccae@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<jasmine>	k srry
*	mib_hw1w5igs (i=424a4a0f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<kmmanofakind>	Calm Down please calm down
<Liso>	stop talking about chuck norris
<Traveler25>	how do you change your nickname
*	Broken_Kid sets channel mode -c #LG15chat
*	ChanServ sets channel mode +c #LG15chat
<Traveler17>	:)
*	t (i=tom@freenode/staff/tomaw) has joined #lg15chat
<Abbie>	1min!
<lindholmka>	me too
<Evergreen>	Traveler25, what nick do youw ant to use?
<Renegade15>	!traverler
<Darkslyfox>	she come in yet?
<immortal1>	!traveler
*	P-Monkey says: -- Hello Traveler. Please let us know who you are! Type "/nick newnicknamehere" (without the quotes " ) to change your name. --
<Liso>	1 min
<rosieiswatching>	Un minuto
<Chelseyrl>	People, please calm down.
<mib_vtbxqorp>	people, calm down
*	NinjaLama hands out chill pills
*	redSUV51 is now known as new
<malloreo>	hello
<DisenchantedBabe>	mhm =\
<rosieiswatching>	hahaha
<mib_dq86lggu>	uhhhh eyesss
<Liso>	lol
*	Traveler17 is now known as fettachelli
<kmmanofakind>	chill out people
*	Traveler73 is now known as laurensav
<juliacat>	chat is terrible
<cheddarcheese>	I think her name will be Ginabear, srsly
<Traveler99>	nick/oohpoordaniel
<Sammyantha>	Bree's mom was in on the Order and EVERYTHING, killing her daughter. Why should Gina trust her to keep her safe?
<rosieiswatching>	calm down...? hahaha
<SickSlickMan>	aiight, everyone
<copertop>	 /nick lg15 lover
*	Traveler83 has disconnected (Client Quit)
*	Traveler05 is now known as living4mydyingwi
*	mib_oq0wno1b (i=4c5ba32a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
*	jasmine hopes lily dont come for the sake of spoilers
<Evergreen>	use a space, t99
<SickSlickMan>	let's calm it down now
*	Traveler32 is now known as fan
<laurensav>	hey people
<Darkslyfox>	kk
*	livelovelaugh ish confuzed
*	Traveler55 ( has joined #lg15chat
*	JesskaFace yawns. i'm not going to bother keeping up with the chat too much. lol
<WATERMELONHEAD>	Gina should do what is in her heart
<Quirkynesss>	Her name will probably be just Gina.
<modelmotion>	HI rosie
<hopefulsemblance>	this is like a movie theater during the previews... everyone is telling everyone to hush up... when in reality... who gives a crap?
<rosieiswatching>	u are in a LG chat room? calmin down is not an option
<masonishappy>	CHILL fer sureous
<rosieiswatching>	lol
*	blade8r want to talk with GINA NOW!
<mib_dq86lggu>	thats why she needs the jetpackl
*	Traveler67 is now known as gina2008
<Traveler25>	its time
<cheddarcheese>	Yay
*	mib_42ewbceb is now known as coolwill100
<funkymonkey21>	hi gina
*	Traveler21 ( has joined #lg15chat
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	heyy gina
<Preposterous>	Gina!
<caravelle436>	no caps blade
<NinjaLama>	hey G
<GlacialRose>	Hey Gina!
<Liso>	ITS TIME!!!!!!!
*	Traveler24 is now known as xo_suchuhblonde_
*	Traveler41 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Bratty>	hi
<AnarchyAmes>	w00h00
*	ChanServ sets channel mode -c #LG15chat
*	Ethan_Fox is back
<SoundSoldier>	Gina!
<jasmine>	omg live i g2g but i be back asap
<Evergreen>	Traveler25, whats you nickname?
<Hannah13>	hey
<xXRockstarKitten>	Hi, Gina. :)
<laurensav>	previously on lost...
*	Traveler55 is now known as Maccadole
<livelovelaugh>	Hey Gina!
<Chelseyrl>	Hanna, no colors
<caravelle436>	In-character chat rules: No imitating characters. No swearing or abusive talk. Do not use colors or bold or all caps in an effort to be noticed. These may all result in you being banned from chat.
<Traveler13>	hi gina
*	mib_hw1w5igs has disconnected (Client Quit)
<mib_dq86lggu>	wait.
<toniegirl>	hey gina
<Quirkynesss>	Hi Gina.
<livelovelaugh>	Bye Jassmine!
<Traveler89>	Hi Gina!
<rosieiswatching>	hy MM
<mib_vtbxqorp>	hey gina!
<alyssaxlea>	gina =]
<masonishappy>	Evening Gina.
<Ethan_Fox>	has Guna came in yet?
<mib_dq86lggu>	everybody stop
<JenniPowell>	turn off colors Hannah
<rosieiswatching>	long time
*	Traveler49 ( has joined #lg15chat
<jasmine>	hi gina
<Libra>	gina2008?  ginaZenMaster would have been cooler
<cheddarcheese>	Ginaaa
<mib_dq86lggu>	which one is gina
<funkymonkey21>	gina go to your mom
<RoyTheBoy>	Do not use colors
<Becky15>	hi ginaaaaa
<gina2008>	hey guys
<Traveler43>	hi gina
<Traveler25>	shes late
<Zoey>	please turn off your colors jasmine and alyssaxlex
<fettachelli>	hello gina!
<kmmanofakind>	Hello Gina How Are you doing tonight?
<silentdre>	lol
<Maccadole>	hi everyone
-Broken_Kid/#LG15chat-	REMEMBER: NO COLORS
<JenniPowell>	turn off your colors everyone
*	heyaja gives voice to gina2008
<blade8r>	her name is gina2008
*	Traveler10 is now known as mamaenem
<Darkslyfox>	gina2008
<Shiori>	No colors, guys, seriously
*	hopefulsemblance smells kicks
<Jijendia>	hey gina !!
<blade8r>	and it's it's pink
<DisenchantedBabe>	Heyy Gina
<gina2008>	its me
<DreamHaze>	Hi Gina!
<littleapplegirl>	wait, who is gina?
<Kemo>	bah at turning off colours
<Evergreen>	Gine, use a color so we can see you
<littleapplegirl>	oh
-Broken_Kid/#LG15chat-	Only Gina has a color so we can see her typing.
<coolwill100>	hey
<JesskaFace>	hey gina
<littleapplegirl>	duh
<charlette>	hey
<SteamboatMickey>	Hi Gina! =)
<kmmanofakind>	How are you tonight?
<Bratty>	hey Gina
<AnarchyAmes>	hey =]
<mib_vtbxqorp>	gina!
<LUladybug>	hello gina!
<Traveler56>	color haters, gosh
<Ethan_Fox>	Hi Gina
<TheBeautifulMstk>	Hi Gina
<alyssaxlea>	hey gina how are you
<TheHelper>	hey gina
<BriarRose>	Are you doing okay?
<gina2008>	so... did u guy see the vido today?
<Preposterous>	Gina is using a color.
<SocksRock>	no colors!
*	Traveler24 ( has joined #lg15chat
<kmmanofakind>	Yes
<DisenchantedBabe>	Yes.
<NinjaLama>	yeah
<lioness23>	hey gina
<SickSlickMan>	yup
<Sammyantha>	yess
<fettachelli>	yes.
<BriarRose>	Yah
*	Traveler92 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Liso>	yes
<cheddarcheese>	Yep!
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	yup
<blade8r>	yeah we did
<lindholmka>	yep
<Eirlys>	yea
<Broken_Kid>	traveler56, no color
<toniegirl>	yes
<masonishappy>	sure did.
<Preposterous>	Yes, yes we did
<GlacialRose>	yup...
<AnarchyAmes>	Yeah, we saw it!
<SocksRock>	no colors!
<DreamHaze>	Yeah, we saw it Gina
<JesskaFace>	yeah we saw the video
<xXRockstarKitten>	Yeah.
<Kormek>	yeah
<charlette>	yea 
<Shiori>	Of course, Gina
<alyssaxlea>	yeah
<SocksRock>	no colors!
<Quirkynesss>	Of course we did =)
<coolwill100>	yeah
<thebeautifulmind>	hi there Gina
<TheHelper>	of course
<gina2008>	doing okay, little cofused rigt nw
<SteamboatMickey>	Yeap
<KaNicole>	yeas we saw it
<Traveler89>	YEs
<SocksRock>	no colors!
<lioness23>	yeeeeeeeeeees
<mib_vtbxqorp>	yeah 
<DisenchantedBabe>	Don't trust Bree's mom
<laurensav>	loved the video!
-heyaja/#LG15chat-	no caps, no colors
<Darkslyfox>	@_@
*	Traveler73 ( has joined #lg15chat
<SickSlickMan>	i can imagine
<Thurgix>	Yikes people!
<kmmanofakind>	Its a lil fast in here
<charlette>	well tell us whats going on
<DisenchantedBabe>	She's just another aunt alex
<LUladybug>	yep, you were a cute kid!
<Liso>	dont trust brees mom
<Sammyantha>	I dont think you should go Gina
<Traveler89>	Why is that, Gina?
<Traveler92>	hi
<SocksRock>	hi gina!
<Ethan_Fox>	Ye I did Gina, you were so cute when you were little
<Renegade15>	no bold, please
<JesskaFace>	guys chill with the colors lol.
<Traveler99>	nickname/oohpoordaniel
<Traveler49>	hey
<Jijendia>	gina: i did see it and someting interesting came out of it.
<BriarRose>	Its horrid, the chatroom.
<pmonkeygetsfunky>	just trust what you think and have a backup plan
<gina2008>	Disenchanted, why shld I not trusther?
<blade8r>	don't trust bree mom bring the gorup
<malloreo>	hehfooe
<Hannah13>	                           Gina I think you should go to your But take backup just in case
<rosieiswatching>	OMg
<caalan21>	hi gina
*	Traveler65 ( has joined #lg15chat
*	Traveler05 ( has joined #lg15chat
<silentdre>	hahahaha
*	ThaBeave (i=WALLAWAL@unaffiliated/thabeave) hat #lg15chat verlassen
*	heyaja has kicked ILOVEFRANCE from #lg15chat (colors)
<Kormek>	I can understand that Gina
<SocksRock>	gina can u see this?
*	Traveler51 ( has joined #lg15chat
*	mib_f820gk1p (i=18f50386@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #lg15chat
<lindholmka>	How do you feel seeing a video of you as a small child with your sister
<AnarchyAmes>	Gina, the gang wouldn't have gotten anywhere without taking risks now and then. If she wanted you, she wouldn't have brought you back, but she did. I think it's safe to trust her.
<living4mydyingwi>	i say go but take a gun
<SocksRock>	gina can u see me?
<DisenchantedBabe>	Shes probably in the order...they always are
<drstrangelove17>	seriously, I think you can.
<Kormek>	it's a hard choice
<TheBeautifulMstk>	yes,i think you should hear bree's mom out
<rosieiswatching>	Hi Gona
<Broken_Kid>	hannah, no colors
<SocksRock>	talk gina!
<SocksRock>	hi gina
<kmmanofakind>	Can you remember anything that your mother has said.
<rosieiswatching>	Gina
<drstrangelove17>	But, you should bring Jonas.
<JenniPowell>	Hannah, final warning, turn off your colors
<JesskaFace>	don't trust her, but go anyway
<rosieiswatching>	hehehe
<NinjaLama>	just be careful....
<silentdre>	I'm sorry, but you people are mad stupid...mad stupid
<Traveler73>	Is Gina Here?
<DisenchantedBabe>	Just like aunt alex was
*	Traveler00 ( has joined #lg15chat
<Sammyantha>	She's taking advantage of your emotions, and using that to get to you
<JesskaFace>	make a plan with everyone, so you are safe
<SocksRock>	gina rocks
<NinjaLama>	yeah
<SoundSoldier>	Go to your mom, But have Daniel and Jonas clos by.
<SocksRock>	whoa
<heyaja>	jesskaface, no bold
<Traveler13>	dont it is just a trap they were probly thrying to do the ceramony when they kidaped you
<Zoey>	jesskaface, no caps please.
<Evergreen>	Gina, do you think she knew about Bree? What they were going to do to her?
<Liso>	yeah go with jonas and danial hiding somewhere
*	Traveler99 has disconnected (Client Quit)