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Cleavage.JPG This user is a recipient of the The Nikki B. Cleavage Award.

Danielle is a longtime fan of the lonelygirl15 series. She joined back in October, when CiW was in her hayday, but became quickly interested in the OpAphid ARG instead. Ever since she has been very active in the ARG, communicating through the forums and the IRC frequently. Over the course of the series, Danielle has made fast friends with Nikki Bower. They bonded over a few mediums, and now try and make it a concious effort to talk about shoes, roadtrips, and partying like rockstars at least once a week. Nikki's pet name is gooseface to Danielle, and they sport matching cleavage in their appearences. Danielle is a widely known supporter of OpAphid and The Order, and has been said to have attempted to have kidnapped Tachyon in her sweet kidnapper van. Unfortunatly, Danielle has only recently got her license and still struggles with the grab and drive, as well as parallel parking.

Danielle is most frequently referred to as 'Dani', but she also uses the IRC nickname of 'DTayl' which is a pun off of her first and last names. She is also known as 'JB' or 'Jailbait' because she is only 17 years old (DOB: December 10, 1989), and has even notably been called this by the famous Yousef in the IRC.

<youabu> dont know whos jb, sooo no comment

<DTayl> hahahahhahahahaha

<youabu> =P