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Revision as of 14:53, 14 March 2008

Episode 187/1x187
Who Are The FTO?

You'll never get me

Blogger Steve
Date Posted February 22nd, 2008
URL lg15.com
Forum [591 forum discussion]
Length 5:47
Description Rupert works in mysterious ways but by God does he get the job done!
Location(s) FTO Headquarters
YouTube Tags KateModern LG15 lonelygirl15 Steve
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried
Co-Executive Producer(s) Joanna Shields and Amanda Goodfried
Series Producer(s) Pete Gibbons
Line Producer Kelly Brett
Production Co-Ordinator Claire Finbow
Interactive Co-ordinator(s) Jonathan Almond
Production Runner(s) Meryl Iona Edwards
Director(s) Yusuf Pirhasan
Head Writer Luke Hyams
Vidplay Lawrence Tallis
Story Luke Hyams, Neil Mossey, and Lawrence Tallis
Editor(s) Yusuf Pirhasan
Music 'Rude Boots' by Burning Babylon
Rupert Van Helden Ronan Summers
Steve Giles Alderson
Jeffrey Nick Dutton
Raymond Tito Fagbenle
Jeffrey's mom Michelle Williamson
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Stiff Upper Lip"
Next "The Road to Manchester"
Previous by Steve "Scene of the Crime"
Next by Steve "Terry"
Directly before "KateModern S2 Week 6 Recap"

Who Are The FTO? is the one-hundred eighty-seventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series. Who Are The FTO? is the one-hundred eighty-seventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(Steve is following Rupert Van Helden in the street.)

Steve: Rupert, what we doing here?

Rupert: Today is a glorious day, Steven! Today is the day that we expose the FTO as frauds and we exonerate the Hymn of One.

Steve: Here?

Rupert: That's right.

Steve: What's this place got to do with the FTO? (Pans up to look at the building.)

Rupert: Well, I had a Hymn of One member pretend to align themselves with the FTO, and in doing so, they were sloppy enough to let us pinpoint their HQ.

Steve: That's what this place is?

Rupert: That's right.

Steve: Say, what, uh, are we doing here?

Rupert: Well, we're gonna go say hello.

Steve: Are you kidding?! No, they'll kill us!

Rupert: I, uh... I think I'm gonna take my chances.

Steve: Uh... No, I'm- I'm not sure about this.

Rupert: Oh, come on, it'll be alright. You trust me, don't you?

Steve: Of course.

Rupert: Good. (Nods toward the building.) Let's go. (Goes inside.)

Steve: Okay.

(Steve follows Rupert inside and up a flight of stairs.)

Rupert: Here goes nothing.

Steve: Yeah...

(Rupert rings a doorbell and waits for an answer. He is greeted by a woman.)

Woman: Yeah?

Rupert: Hello there, ma'am. Um, we're friends of Jeffrey's. I was just wondering if we could have a quick word.

Woman: He's upstairs.

Rupert: Thank you so much.

(Rupert and Steve follow the woman upstairs and continue up another set of stairs inside the flat.)

Steve: What's going on?

Rupert: You'll see.

(Ruperts walks up to a door that has numerous signs and pictures on it. He takes a deep breath, smiles at Steve, and enters. There is a young man on his laptop inside, who looks frightened when he sees them.)

Jeffrey: Shit.

(The camera pans to show another young man lying on the bed.)

Rupert: (Turning off the music.) Boys, boys, boys. Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you. (Looks at the wall, which is covered with printouts from numerous videos.) Contrary to what you, uh, apparently think, it's not really my game.

Jeffrey: What do you want?

Rupert: I want you to start telling the truth, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: I don't know what you're talking about.

Rupert: I want you to admit, on camera, that this whole little crazy story about me being somehow involved in Kate's murder is nothing more than a fabrication of you and your little friend, Raymond.

(The camera pans to Raymond sitting on the bed.)

Jeffrey: I can't say something that's not true, can I?

Rupert: (Laughs.) Well I think you've proved your quite good at that, actually, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm not saying anything. You did kill Kate. You killed her in some weird, freaky religious ritual.

Rupert: Mmhmm, mmhmm. And- And if you really believe what you're saying, then do you have any sort of proof that what you're saying is true?

Jeffrey: You've only got to look around, man. It's all over the net.

Rupert: See, that's very interesting that you say that, because I have been looking. And it seems that the only mention of this apparent ritual can all be traced back to the same IP address. (The camera pans to Jeffrey and his laptop.) No prize in for guessing where that's registered.

Jeffrey: You can't prove anything.

Rupert: Oh, but you see, I can. I really can. And you can't. So, just be a good little boy and tell us that you fabricated the whole thing.

Jeffrey: Never.

Rupert: You know, I was really hoping that I wasn't gonna have to do this... (Moving to the other side of the room.)

Raymond: (Recoils.) What are you doing?

Rupert: I'm not sure if you're aware of British defamation law and the case of Keith Williams v. Smith, but you will become intimately acquainted with it if you don't retract your last statements.

Jeffrey: What?

Rupert: Do you want to be sued for libel? Oh, that goes for you, too, Raymond.

Raymond: A-all right, man. It- No, it's all- it's all made up. there's nothing like the Hymn of One ritual; Rupert had nothing to do with Kate's murder.

Jeffrey: Raymond!

Raymond: What? I can't get sued; my mum'll kill me!

Rupert: Thank you. So, Jeffrey, you gonna tell us why you did it? Or should I call you mister Griffin?

(The camera pans to show a framed picture of Dudley from The Message.)

Rupert: Look, I'm really very, very sorry for what happened to your cousin Dudley and your uncle William (The camera pans to show a picture of Dr. Griffin on the wall.), but I assure you what happened has absolutely nothing to do with the Hymn of One. Your hatred's misplaced.

Jeffrey: What would you know about it?

Rupert: Well, I know that holding on to anger never solves anything. Maybe you should, uh, come down to the Hymn of One sometime. We can have a chat.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I don't think so.

Rupert: I understand. If you ever want to talk. (Puts his hand on Jeffrey's back.)

(The camera zooms in on Jeffrey and pans over to Raymond.)

Raymond: What?

Rupert: Come on, Steve.

(Rupert and Steve head back outside.)

Steve: Oh, g- (Laughs.) Oh, that was amazing! And what a couple of geeks they turned out to be!

Rupert: They were just a couple of mixed up kids. You know, grief makes people do stupid things.

Steve: Yeah, I suppose. Still, that was great! Uh, maybe people will finally get off the Hymn of One's back now.

Rupert: Uh... I'm afraid I don't think so. (Laughs.) Uh, anyway, look, I'm, uh, I'm really sorry we didn't get any information that might help you to find out who really did kill your friend.

Steve: Yeah. But at least people will know it wasn't you now.

Rupert: That's true. Well, look, Steve, it's been, uh, really delightful to meet you over these last few days. (Shakes Steve's hand.)

Steve: Oh. Uh, yeah. Likewise.

Rupert: But I'm afraid that, uh, I need to head back to America on official business. Tonight.

Steve: Oh.

Rupert: (Laughs.) It's okay. I'll be seeing you around.

Steve: Sure. (Rupert walks away.) Bye, Rupert!

Rupert: Fight the good fight, Steve!

Steve: I will! Bye!


  • Rupert gets his case citation wrong in this video. The actual case name is Keith-Smith V. Williams, rather than Rupert's line "Keith-Williams V. Smith". The actual case awarded Michael Keith Smith, chairman of the Conservative Democratic Alliance £10,000 and court costs because statements accusing Keith-Smith of being a bigot and sexual crimes offender.
  • English Libel law has a history of being unfairly executed in violation of freedom of speech. The most famous example is the "McLibel" case, or McDonald's Restaurant v. Morris and Steel, when the famous fast-food chain claimed for £40,000 in damages as a result of alleged damages resulting from Morris and Steel distributing anti-McDonald's pamphlets. Even though the courts ruled in favor of McDonald's, the ruling was found by the European Court of Civil Rights to violate human rights for freedom of speech and right to a fair trial.
  • Rupert does not mention the FTO by name to the boys, suggesting that the boys he interrogated were not the FTO but actually a couple of teenage bloggers.