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This is an index of all the puzzles that have taken place in the KateModern web series.

Carnaby Street

After Kate lost her memory, Steve found pictures on her cell phone, and uploaded them to Bebo so that fans could help them figure out where Kate had been.

Liberty of London department store [1]
Shakespeare's Head pub on the corner of Fouberts Place and Carnaby Street
Haymills Carnaby Street [2]

These pictures led fans to Carnaby Street, where they met up with Sophie on Saturday August 18th, 2007 at 10 AM.

Police Calling Card

On September 2nd, 2007, Kate decided to take a closer look at the calling card that Dudley left her on Carnaby Street. She posted the following message to her Bebo blog [3]

Kate said:

Okay, so here's the number from the card the 'policeman' gave me:

+44 7812 250 478

I've called and it seems to be the answering service for some pizza company? I can't work it out - I've never even heard of 'The Pizza Specialists'!

It all seems a bit odd to me. What do you think?

Love Kate

When calling the number, the following message plays.

+44 7812 250 478 said:

Hi. Make an appointment with the Pizza Specialist. Addicted to our takeaways? Then here's the answer to a healither pizza choice: sausage, pepperoni, egg, anchovy and kale, or tomato and olive, or tomato, hollandaise, and egg, or uruguayan nachos, dill, egg, anchovy, and diced onion, or dill, octopus, cheddar, tomato, onion, and rocket. Only with our next delivery this week. All you've got to do is wait for the knock on your door.

Note: The original message can be heard at: http://www.acidfingers.com/hosted/Recording.MP3

If you look at the first letter of each topping and put in a space wherever the word "or" is said, you get the following message: SPEAK TO THE UNDEAD DOCTOR. This indicated that Dr. William Griffin had faked his death and was going to attempt to speak to Kate. The message also says "Wait for the knock on your door," indicating that the doctor would knock on Kate's door and contact her.

Pizza Puzzle

After Dudley came and dropped off a CD at Kate's flat, she uploaded the file to her Bebo so that her friends could help her decode it.

Pizza Puzzle.jpg

Breaking It Down:

  • .tsnihcnip looked at backwards is Pinchin St.
  • The calendar in the picture indicates Sunday 9th.
  • .-.. ..- -. -.-. .... - .. -- . is Morse Code for lunch time.
  • XV is the Roman Numeral for 15.
  • The code at the bottom of the picture is fmwvimvzgsgsuzixsvh is an Atbash Cipher, which decodes to "underneath the arches".

THE SOLVE: 15 Pinchin Street, Sunday the 9th at Lunchtime. Underneath the arches.

Charlie, Kate, and Tariq followed the clue and met Dudley at the specified time & place.

Lee's Treasure Hunt

Gavin and Tariq had bullied Lee since he began working at their office. After the video Subservient Lee, where Gavin commanded him to complete various embarrassing acts, Lee was fed up and made a video where he exposed the secret software Gavin and Tariq had developed. He then wiped every trace of it from everywhere in the office except from his own drive, holding it ransom. He announced that Gavin and Tariq could only get their software back if they played along in Lee's Treasure Hunt. Lee said that he'd hide clues in videos and on The Sun online [4] for Gavin and Tariq to find. Each clue led to new a location and time where they were supposed to arrive. If they were there, Lee would provide the next clue to lead them to the next location.

On November 16th 2007, the following message was posted on the KateModern Production Bebo page [5]:

KateModern said:

Today marks the start of a very exciting week in the KateModern World. Lee has set a challenge for Gavin and Tariq that they must complete if they want to get their software back.

Lee’s Video: http://bebo.com/watch/5016013147

Lee’s Profile: http://www.bebo.com/mrsphinx

They need YOUR help to solve the puzzles that Lee is going to be setting, and every day next week there’ll be a Live Event somewhere in Central London. We really want you to be there to play a part in Lee’s games!

Thanks to our friends at Microsoft we have some great prizes to give away, and everyone who attends a Live Event will be entered into a prize draw. The more days you attend, the more chance you have of winning a prize.

Things are going to be pretty busy over here on Bebo so don’t worry if you can’t make it to London – Gavin and Tariq are going to need your help online too! Extra clues are going to be hidden on The Sun Online ( http://www.thesun.co.uk/tv ) – so keep a look out there.

Shortly after, Lee posted Let the Games Begin!, in which he revealed his first clue. Multi-colored alphanumerics and punctuation symbols appeared on the screen. They appeared randomly and then were backwards and upside down


When this code was entered into Live Search Maps, you got this: http://maps.live.com/?v=2&cid=116264F0DD5D8C5F!103&encType=1. This map defined a perimeter within London.

On The Sun online this image was posted from the Big Ben:


The picture revealed the location to be near the Tower of Big Ben.

November 19th 2007

On November 19th 2007, Lee posted the video Before the Clock Strikes Six... which announced another clue about the time and location:

Lee said:
Tonight, you're going on a blind date! You're going to meet my best mate. Benjamin is tall and he's always on time. You better be in the square before it strikes six times!

Because of this clue, Gavin and Tariq knew they needed to be at Parliament Square (which is in front of Big Ben), before 6 o'clock pm (when the bell tolled six times).

The video Parliament Square - 6pm, 19th November 2007 showed Gavin and Charlie arrived at Parliament Square, where they bumped into Tariq and Julia. In front of the Winston Churchill statue, they found a lawn gnome. On the bottom of the gnome was a handwritten note with the next clue from Lee.


The clue read:

You’ll need your platforms tomorrow,
When I hear Abba it makes me want to go.
Hands that don’t wave, a face that won’t laugh,
the time and the place is thirteen and a half.

The solution of this clue is:

  • Location: Waterloo Station [6] (Waterloo is a song from ABBA and the platforms in the clue are referring to a train station)
  • Time: 1:30pm (the time is thirteen and a half, what means 13:30 or 1:30pm)
  • Where exactly: Under the four-faced clock (the line: Hands that don't wave, a face that won't laugh refers to the hands and face of a clock. There hangs a large and famous four-faced clock in the middle of the main concourse. Meeting "under the clock at Waterloo" is a traditional rendezvous.)


Discussion about the clue at the forum: http://www.lg15.com/katemodern/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=400&start=30

In the evening, Lee posted a new video, where he confirmed that Gavin and Tariq needed to be at Waterloo Station at 13.30.

Lee also updated his map, where he pointed out where Waterloo Station is:


November 20th 2007

Gavin and Charlie got stuck in traffic so they couldn't be at Waterloo Station on time (13:30):

Gavin said:

Waterloo - I was defeated, you won the war.

Me and Chaz got stuck in traffic on our way to Waterloo and by the time we got there it was 2pm. We went to the clock but there was no sign of anything. There were quite a few people around but none of them knew anything about Lee or the software.


What are we supposed to do now?


Luckily for Gavin, Sophie was at Waterloo Station on time and she got the gnome. On the bottom was the next clue.

Sophie said:
I was there for 1:30...it was so exciting!!!!!! Lee came in disguise with the gnome and someone else was there trying to get it for themselves....... I'm editing my video at the moment and will have it up soon so you can see what went on!! Gavin posted a blog saying him and Charlie got stuck in traffic and when they got there we'd all gone...so it's up to us to solve the clue so that they can get back on the hunt!!

OK, so the clue from the gnome is this:

"A station today is tomorrow a bridge

Act fast to get to England’s stage."

I have NO idea. Do you?

Love Soph


Lee also updated his map [7], with a clue about the new location on it.


The green arrow was placed on Waterloo Bridge and the red one on the Royal National Theatre.

Sophie posted a video that showed her, picking up the gnome and looking at the clue on the bottom. At the station, Terrence was also looking for the clue, but when Lee saw him, he looked scared and ran away.

The solution of the clue was found at IRC and on Sophie's Bebo page[8]


'A station today is tommorow a bridge' (The first "Waterloo" referred to the train station, and the clue for the following day was for the Waterloo bridge.)

'Act fast to get to England's stage' (Another location was the Royal National Theatre, which is a stage. The theater fulfills the part of the clue about to "[acting] fast". ) The Royal National Theatre neighbors the Waterloo Bridge:


The location for the next day was determined to be Waterloo Bridge, in front of the Royal National Theatre.

Later that evening, Lee posted All the World's a Stage, in which he confirmed the next location as the Waterloo Bridge, facing the Royal National Theatre.
He also revealed the time: before 6pm.

Lee updated the map [9] to reflect this information. A picture was added to show the view from the bridge to the theatre.


November 21st 2007

Tariq posted a blog on his Bebo page after he returned from the Waterloo Bridge:

Tariq said:
Waterloo Bridge

Just back from the bridge - it didn't go that well. Gavin turned up drunk and went mental, like that's going to help anything.... Anyway, I'm editing my video at the moment so I'll get that up ASAP.

For now, here's the clue from the gnome...

“Chris made Paul a lovely home. He built it with a great big dome. But there’s one little catch, where ever you go, there’s a watch.”

What do you think?


Tariq posted his video a few hours later. In the video, he and Julia waited for Lee on the Waterloo Bridge. Charlie and Gavin showed up a few minutes later. Gavin held a golf club and threatened to hit Lee with, but Lee never arrived. Instead, a woman delivered the gnome with the next clue on the bottom of it. Gavin wanted to smash the gnome with his golfclub, but Charlie stopped him so that she and Tariq could read the clue. After that, Gavin finally got the chance to smash the gnome to pieces.

The next clue led to St. Paul's Cathedral.


"Chris made Paul a lovely home. He built it with a great big dome. But there’s one little catch, wherever you go, there’s a watch."

  • Chris made Paul a lovely home. He built it with a great big dome.

Sir Christopher Wren was a 17th century English designer, astronomer, geometer, and a great English architect. Wren designed 53 London churches, including St Paul's Cathedral. Lee shortened Wren's first name to Chris and spoke about the cathedral, which has a spectacular dome.

  • But there's one little catch, wherever you go, there's a watch.

This line was never officially soved; however, Lee was warning the men that he was watching every move they made.

Lee updated his map, with this picture:


The exact location of this statue was never found, but fans assumed that it referred to a statue that stands at the St. Paul's Cathedral.

Later that night, Lee posted You're Almost There! in which he confirmed the solution as St. Paul's Cathedral, at 6pm. After he posted this video, the description on his map changed to: "See you on the steps at 6pm!"

See you on the steps.jpg

November 22nd 2007

Sophie told Gavin that she would go to the cathedral to pick up the next clue. A few hours later, though, she posted on Bebo:

Sophie said:
Just got back from St. Paul's. I don't want to talk about it.

Gavin replied:

Gavin said:
I KNEW i should have gone to deal with Lee myself!

Sophie posted a video that showed Lee placing his gnome and some flowers for Sophie on the steps of the St. Paul's Cathedral.


When Sophie arrived, she picked up the flowers and looked at them. But then a Watcher snuck up behind her, picked up the gnome and walked away. Sophie, alarmed by the fans, went after him and tried to get the gnome back. The Watcher ignored her and pushed her to the ground. Sophie blamed herself for not paying attention to the gnome and only to the flowers. Then she left, without the clue.

Lee didn't post a video or update his map that night.

November 23rd 2007

Lee posted a video, in which he said that Gavin and Tariq didn't work hard enough at the game. He agreed to give them one more chance to get to the software before the Order did. One clue remained and they needed to find it as soon as possible.

Description of the video:

Lee said:
You took your eye off the ball and have risked ruin. Gavin, the next clue is closer than you might believe. Don't blame yourself, Sophie - it wasn't your fault. xx

After a few hours, Charlie posted a video which revealed what happened to the secret software:

Charlie was recording a video blog when the doorbell rang. When she opened the door, she saw nobody but found a gnome on the ground. Julia came to Gavin and Charlie's flat and read the clue on the bottom of the gnome:

There are only 7 ways to get here, but only shadows tell the time. Where am I?

Julia immediately recognized the location as Seven Dials.

Seven Dials is a small road junction in the West End of London, near Covent Garden. Lee alluded to this with the sentence "There are only seven ways to get here."

Charlie and Julia went to Seven Dials and found a gnome placed at the steps of the the sundial pillar.


Julia grabbed the gnome while Charlie ran after Lee, who had just placed the gnome and was still in the immediate area. Julia and Charlie followed Lee into an apartment building and caught up with him, but Terrence, who had followed Charlie, was there also. He hit Lee on the head with the gnome and started to beat him, while he asked him where the software was. Lee said that the software is in the gnome that Julia had picked up at the pillar. Charlie snatched the gnome and ran outside, where the Watcher is waiting for her. He threw her at the ground and picked up the gnome. Terrence, who ran after Charlie, was also thrown to the ground. The Watcher walked to his car and drove away, with the software gnome inside.

The treasure hunt ended with the Watcher driving away with Gavin and Tariq's software.

Precious Blood

After Terrence kidnapped Charlie in Precious Blood: 8PM, he posted a puzzle on her Bebo page for anyone who wished to try and save her.

Precious Blood-puzzle.jpg

Inverting the pictures seen on the image reveal shots of Gavin and the messy garage at Aunt Joan's house seen in the video Spiders.

The letters in the puzzle image are "KXLgBfQkRX." Advancing each letter by 3 places alphabetically, K becomes N, X becomes A, L becomes O, etc. so the letters become "NAOjEiTkUA" which anagrams to "Auntie Joan."

These clues indicated that Charlie was being held at Gavin's Aunt Joan's house. With this solution in mind, Lee headed off to save Charlie in Precious Blood: 9PM.
