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|blogger  = Sarah
|blogger  = Sarah
|date      = 20081118
|date      = 20081118
|time      = 12:02:38 PM
|time      = 12:02:38 PM PST
|url      = [http://www.lg15.com/blog_entry/view/10008/12/1 lg15.com]
|url      = [http://www.lg15.com/blog_entry/view/10008/12/1 lg15.com]

Revision as of 03:32, 2 October 2009

On Our Own
Blogger Sarah
Date Posted November 18th, 2008
12:02:38 PM PST
URL lg15.com
Adjacent Blogs
Directly after "No Safety In Numbers"
Directly before "Welcome to the Jungle!"
Previous by Sarah "Left Coast Ahoy"

On Our Own is a text blog posted by Sarah directly after the video No Safety In Numbers and directly before the video Welcome to the Jungle!.


Home sweet hideout. That’s how I feel about being back in LA. It’s frustrating. And funny. Maybe more funny. We traveled so far, worked through so many pieces of this super long puzzle, only to find ourselves right where we started.

Who knows, maybe that’s not necessarily true. We know more now than when we started. We know about Lifesblood Labs and their affiliation with the Order. We know the mythology of the Trait-Positive gene more clearly. And we know that someone has the means to abolish it. All of this just proves the Cure really may be out there; something to be found; something desired not just by us, but our enemies. The closer we get to it, the more intensely they seem to pursue us.

I don’t know who left the note for me in that ladies room. I saw some theories on the board here. Beaumont perhaps. But I don’t buy it. I think if he was still on the scene, he’d have tried to contact Maggie by now (given how obviously he drools over her in that security cam footage). And both Jonas and I have been around Maggie enough to know whether she’s in contact with someone... I hope.

There’s something about her I still can’t trust. Something I can’t put my finger on. Maybe it’s the all too convenient amnesia about her little jailbreak. Or maybe it’s the way she’s twisting Jonas’s head with those dainty, fluttering eyelashes (insert gag here).

I’m not ready to lead this charge. That falls on Jonas’s shoulders. Fortunately, he might be starting to come around to that. He’s arranged a meet for us in the city on Thursday. Says we can figure out a plan once its safe enough to be together again. Reed just e-mailed me the details.

Reed... He’s like a kid in a candy shop out here. Stars in his eyes, disposable camera in hand, mouth CONSTANTLY agape. It’d be cute if it weren’t so juvenile.

Oh who am I kidding? It is cute. And I hate admitting that. Starting to feel a little bad about the slap, but I don’t think it was undeserved. Maybe it just made things even between us and I should let the anger go--

Crap. Jonas e-mail. Just popped up in my inbox. “Your Eyes Only” it seems. Let’s see what this is all about. I’ll catch up with you guys later. Thanks for listening :)



Sarah entered chat at 6 PM PST. Below are filtered logs that only show lines spoken by characters.

<skyisempty>	hey guys!
<skyisempty>	anyone here??
<skyisempty>	hey mitch!
<skyisempty>	aha, I see you Maria!
<skyisempty>	nice chat name!
<skyisempty>	well hello mitch, FINALLY!
<skyisempty>	not much, so happy to have some down time for a day
<skyisempty>	hey liv, wassup?
<skyisempty>	im jealous, i need some starbucks asap
<skyisempty>	hey bex!
<skyisempty>	no worries mitch, i know a lot of peeps would have been there if they could
<skyisempty>	Veela!
<skyisempty>	whats up?
<skyisempty>	Liv - gang seems okay
<skyisempty>	we're just emailing right now
<skyisempty>	meeting on thursday
<skyisempty>	per jonas's so called 'plan'
<skyisempty>	i think reed's okay, mitch
<skyisempty>	he just emailed me an hour ago
<skyisempty>	haha, so true veela
<skyisempty>	actually, jonas might have one this time
<skyisempty>	but we'll see
<skyisempty>	his second email to me was... interesting
<skyisempty>	true bex, but you cant fault the boy for trying
<skyisempty>	liv - i probably shouldnt say anything, just cause you never know who's lurking
<skyisempty>	Maria, all I can say is that Jonas might be on to something, but its a bit risky
<skyisempty>	isnt it always though?
<skyisempty>	DJ I know it!
<skyisempty>	Liv is dating DJ?
<skyisempty>	oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh :)
<skyisempty>	shame shame know your name!
<skyisempty>	haha
<skyisempty>	thats great!
<skyisempty>	hahaha
<skyisempty>	dont worry DJ, liv's a catch and a half
<skyisempty>	chispalight - not sure yet, will keep you posted though
<skyisempty>	it'd be nice, but far from realistic
<skyisempty>	you know, I think Reed actually stopped answering Estelle's texts
<skyisempty>	as far as I know, she's outta the picture
<skyisempty>	:)
<skyisempty>	and me likey that
<skyisempty>	I know veela, im kinda over being angry at him
<skyisempty>	i think we just need to talk now
<skyisempty>	settle things
<skyisempty>	hey SN!
<skyisempty>	SNL!
<skyisempty>	great actually!
<skyisempty>	i was telling everyone it feels like i have a day off
<skyisempty>	ive just been eating chips and catching up on Heroes all day
<skyisempty>	of course I watch Heroes
<skyisempty>	I thought this season started a little rough, but the last three eps have been AWESOME
<skyisempty>	pssshaw, Liv, Peter Petrelli FTW
<skyisempty>	Sylar is so gonna go evil again
<skyisempty>	and I want Elle to kick his ass
<skyisempty>	bex, just watch the first episode of the first season and you'll be HOOKED
<skyisempty>	agreed veela
<skyisempty>	though this season has been getting pretty good
<skyisempty>	Lost is A-MAZING
<skyisempty>	Lost is without question the BEST thing on tv right now
<skyisempty>	... next to project runway
<skyisempty>	though this season of runway was just okay, not as good as lost
<skyisempty>	favorite boy on Lost?
<skyisempty>	does it make you sad if I say that I really really really miss Charlie :(
<skyisempty>	seriously veela
<skyisempty>	they were the best
<skyisempty>	I want Claire and Charlie to reunite so badly
<skyisempty>	Sawyer is HAWT
<skyisempty>	though Charlie is a bit more my speed
<skyisempty>	is it too creepy if I say Ben is my favorite character?
<skyisempty>	not favorite boy, just favorite character
<skyisempty>	Mitch - I assure you, Maggie is not a robot, despite the vacant stare sometimes
<skyisempty>	Liv, I totally agree, Ben is a good guy, we just don't know his reasons yet
<skyisempty>	haha, could be Veela
<skyisempty>	Order, Others... eerily similar in name...
<skyisempty>	hmmm
<skyisempty>	:)
<skyisempty>	okay, I want your Lost theories
<skyisempty>	... AND GO:
<skyisempty>	ps - desmond + penny = adorability times infinity
<skyisempty>	Jin TOTALLY isnt dead
<skyisempty>	but Michael is
<skyisempty>	and that kinda sucks
<skyisempty>	but it was nice to have him for another season
<skyisempty>	cause - not stalling, just enjoying a convo thats not about the order or resistance for a change :)
<skyisempty>	Veela - I dont know what to make of the Claire sit, cause when people die on the island, do they really die?
<skyisempty>	think of Locke
<skyisempty>	thats why Im hopeful for a Claire Charlie reunion
<skyisempty>	snl - not a weird question, but one that i probably shouldn't give with all the lurkers about ;)
<skyisempty>	mitch - not sure about thanksgiving
<skyisempty>	I did not like Nikki and Paulo AT ALL.... but I did like the ep where they ate it! :)
<skyisempty>	that was actually like a really cool modern day Twilight Zone episode
<skyisempty>	Veela - I think they were sort of a failed experiment, to bring background characters into the front or something
<skyisempty>	it just didnt work
<skyisempty>	yeah, seriously
<skyisempty>	anything that was off the mark in season three was totally redeemed by a flawless season four
<skyisempty>	hahaha
<skyisempty>	thanks for your opinion mitch, now HUSH!
<skyisempty>	:)
<skyisempty>	... sheesh
<skyisempty>	can we just keep things easy and go back to Lost?
<skyisempty>	(wow, never thought I'd consider Lost easy)
<skyisempty>	THANK YOU Veela
<skyisempty>	now, who are your fav characters on Lost??
<skyisempty>	iluuveme, you GOTTA check it out
<skyisempty>	hey Rose!
<skyisempty>	haha, its okay, I'm into Twilight too
<skyisempty>	though I'm only on eclipse
<skyisempty>	so nobody spoil the series ending for me!
<skyisempty>	sorry Veela, cant win em all :)
<skyisempty>	I'm pretty excited for the Twilight movie, but I dont know if I'll get to see it :(
<skyisempty>	dont really get to go to the movies too much these days
<skyisempty>	thats up to Jonas and Maggie apparently
<skyisempty>	you guys HAVE to let me know how it is
<skyisempty>	alright, i think its time I get back to my Heroes marathon
<skyisempty>	one ep left!
<skyisempty>	and then I'll be all caught up
<skyisempty>	Mitch - YES!
<skyisempty>	(someday)
<skyisempty>	thanks for hanging guys!
<skyisempty>	talk to you later :)