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*Nikki {{post|64683|confirmed}} that the message she received was from [[OpAphid]].

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NBR Episode NBR003
What's in the Box/Bree & Daniel Update - NBR 3

I'm on the case!

Blogger Nikki Bower
Date Posted November 10th, 2006
URL revver.com
Description I can't tell you what I found, but I will show you.
YouTube Tags nikkiebowerreport lonelygirl15 danielbeast gemmers19 lg15 horus charlie slurpee bree
Production Credits
Producer(s) Amanda Goodfried
Director(s) Amanda Goodfried
Camera Amanda Goodfried
Vidplay Amanda Goodfried
Story Amanda Goodfried and Alli Danziger
Editor(s) Amanda Goodfried
Nikki Alli Danziger
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "What I Found at Topanga Canyon - NBR 2"
Next "Watchers Everywhere"

What's in the Box/Bree & Daniel Update - NBR 3 is the third video in the Nikki Bower Report series. This was posted in response to Learning Egyptian.


Nikki: Hey guys, it's Nikki B. It's about... umm... three-thirty or so in the morning. (Stifles a yawn.) Excuse me. I'm making a video right now because I can't sleep, and I haven't been able to sleep since my last video went up. Instead I have been getting really threatening messages. Ones that said something like: (puts on a voice) "Nikki, you gotta play by the rules or don't play at all." I don't really know what that means, but it really freaked me out. And I know there are some of you out there that are trying to scare me, but I just want to let you know that I will not bow to that pressure. I have an obligation and I am a journalist. OK. So back to B and D. Bree and Daniel, duh. What do we know? They're on the run. Bree's parents have been abducted by Lucy and that creepy, weird, bald guy! And what is in the trunk of Lucy's car? I think that's where Thor and Owen are. (Makes a sad face.) It's time for Nikki's scoop of the week. Now I don't know if you paid close attention to the "On The Run" video. Watch it again. If you look really, really close... in the background, when Daniel's in the parking lot... over his left shoulder... you'll see a black Lincoln town car parked. Now I brightened and zoomed in and it looks like the lady in the front seat has blonde hair. Now I'm thinking that might be Lucy. It seems like Bree and Daniel are being followed by the cult. I don't know. I'm just looking out for you guys. OK. So back to the box. The insignia on the front of it looks a little bit like the Eye of Horus, but different. I'm on the case!

(Clip of open box with lock of hair inside.)

(Close up of open box with lock of hair inside.)

Wow. I feel much better now, getting that off my chest. Hmmm. (Looks relieved.) Well (puts on sleep mask) pleasant dreams to you all, and to all a good night.
