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Revision as of 03:02, 3 May 2008

Nessy Loretta J.
Cassie Loretta J.
Johnny Unknown
Mike Unknown

MessyNessy89 is a youtube user who posts videos as Cassie's younger sister. She and her sister are hiding in New York after their parents died in a car accident. (MessyNessy89 on YouTube)

Cast of characters

Clytemnestra "Nessy": Cassie's younger sister. She and her sister fled from their home in California after their parents died. In the process, she has become socially isolated at her new school, as she is unable to open up due to their fugitive status. She began posting videos after Cassie reached a low point in a depression she was suffering. With newfound access to the computer, Nessy discovers what the Hymn of One had done to Bree, and realizes that they were now after Cassie as well.

Cassie: An old friend of Bree's who is a synthetically-trait positive girl. She was friends with Bree until she stumbled upon her father's trait negative research. She has recently become the new target of the Hymn of One, though she is more informed than Bree ever was of what was going on. She had undergone testing from a Dr. Windham, who was unable to help her in any way. However, recent events suggest that she may not be as helpless or innocent as she seems.

Johnny: Nessy's ex-boyfriend and member of the Hymn of One. Johnny and Nessy's relationship ended after Nessy fled to New York. Johnny re-entered Nessy's life when he was contacted by Nessy after Cassie disappeared, and informed her that Cassie was going to go through with the ceremony, and helps Nessy find out where the ceremony is going to take place. As a result of the investigation, Johnny has become skeptical of the Hymn of One's practices, and becomes alarmed when his younger sister is chosen for the Ceremony.

Dr. Hughbert Windham: A Doctor, formerly of Verdus Pharmaceuticals who was treating Cassie's trait-positive side effects. He and Cassie met in a record store, and begin talking, later realizing that they are hiding from the same organization. He begins running tests in hopes that her health would improve, but only serve to deepen her depression. After months of testing, Dr. Windham falls in love with Cassie, but is unable to act on these feelings as he disappears soon after, leaving Cassie a note.

Phoebe: Johnny's little sister, and the next trait-positive girl in line for the Ceremony.

Naomi: Johnny's twin sister who died during her ceremony at age 15. She was "eternally pure" and was supposed to be reincarnated in future trait positive girls who were destined to perform the Ceremony, but Johnny dismisses the theory, believing that his sister was murdered for her life-extending blood.

Mike: Nessy's New Crush. She describes him as cute, and the two plan to meet in the schoolyard during the afternoon. However, when Nessy arrives, she finds him dead and laying on the pavement, murdered by Members of the Order who them swoop in and hold Nessy hostage.



Nessy and Cassie are part of the Hymn of One, and Nessy says that Bree and Cassie stopped talking after she found Drew Avery's trait negative research. Cassie then slipped into odd sleeping patterns and became extremely moody and depressed after her parents' deaths.

Nessy began posting videos in late December of 2007. At the time, she wasn't aware that Bree had perished, and later posted a video expressing her sadness upon hearing about it.

On January 2, 2008 Nessy entered #Hymnofone chat and answered questions and discussing ways to help Cassie come out of her depression. (see Messynessy89 chat 01/02 full). Nessy then decided to follow her sister the next day. Cassie caught her and took her footage, and, strangely, gave it back to her edited so it could be posted on Youtube.

The edits in the video were clues that led to a blogspot page in the name of a Dr. Hughbert Windham. He posted a blog on the same day Nessy posted her first video saying:

 Cassie, if you're reading this, I must go away for a few days. I'll try to return by the weekend. Stay away from my house till
 then. Don't worry. Stay indoors. Eat well.
Yours truly,

He has not been heard from since. Earlier blogs reveal that Cassie's illness stikes remarkable resemblance to that suffered by artificially-trait-positive girls. It seems to have been confirmed, as Dr. Windham states he has to keep her "trait positive".

On his last blog, a user named "hymn" posted a comment with a link to a video that scared Nessy and Cassie into hiding. Nessy did some investigating in Dr. Windham's house and found a letter he had written explaining that he loved Cassie and that she is dying because she is synthetically-trait positive and is turning trait negative.

Soon After, Cassie disappeared. Nessy met with her ex-boyfriend Johnny, who she found out had come to New York with other Hymn of One members to partake in a Ceremony for Cassie. Through a series of Clues and Messages, she (with the help of the community) was able to determine where it would be.

Nessy went to the building and broke in through the basement window. Later that day, Nessy posted a video that showed Cassie lying down for the ceremony, as the sound of a heart monitor beeped and then went dead. This implied Cassie had died, and Nessy along with everyone else believed so.


However, a few days later, Nessy posted another video, which was a continuation of the ceremony, in which she saw Cassie walk out of the room after the Ceremony in top condition.

Nessy stopped blogging for a few weeks afterwards. Cassie, however, posted a blog that used the quote: "though truth and falsehood be/Near twins, yet truth a little elder is."

After about a month of inactivity, Nessy posted a video she received via email from the Hymn of One. The footage contained pictures and video of Nessy and Cassie as Children, as well as of their parents' car after the accident that claimed both their lives. Nessy showed Cassie the footage, but she was unresponsive until a week later, where she informed Nessy that their parents didn't die by accident.

However, Cassie is unwilling to reveal much more than that, causing Nessy great frustration. She eventually posts a video telling Cassie to "cut the crap" and talk to her about everything that's happened. Cassie responded with a video anagram. The anagram translates to:

 Clytemnestra , Hush A bye
 Listen to a mad girls lullaby
 Two within me intertwine
 Soon to be joined by next in line

A week later, Johnny sent Nessy a video explaining that his little sister, Phoebe, has been chosen to do the ceremony. The video, along with the anagram, seem to suggest that Cassie is an Elder. Nessy posts a response video, chastising Johnny for not answering his phone after asking for her help, and tells him to get Phoebe and go on the run.

Nessy also mentions that she has met a boy, Mike, who she is infatuated with and the two plan to meet one afternoon at the schoolyard. However, upon arriving, Nessy finds him dead on the ground and she is abducted by the Order, and held hostage. In return, they want Phoebe to do the Ceremony, otherwise they'll kill her.
