Taking Advantage of Her

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Episode 207/1x207
Taking Advantage of Her

Check me out.JPG
Look at me man, I can dance!

Blogger Daniel
Date Posted June 5th, 2007
URL old.LG15.com
Forum [11094 forum discussion]
Length 2:08
Description Hey everyone, I do care alot about Bree and want her to get better. I just don't think Jonas's approach is the right way.
Location(s) The rented cabin
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 bree daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, and Greg Goodfried
Producer(s) Amanda Goodfried
Production Assistant(s) Ian Schwartz
Director(s) Mesh Flinders
Camera Kevin Schlanser
Vidplay Jan Libby
Story Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, Greg Goodfried, Jan Libby, Ross Berger and Jake Coburn
Editor(s) Kevin Schlanser
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Jonas Jackson Davis
Bree Jessica Lee Rose
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Adjacent Blogs
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Next "HOLY SH%T!!!"
Previous by Daniel "Getting Her Back"
Next by Daniel "Sweating Bullets"

Taking Advantage of Her is the two-hundred seventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series. Taking Advantage of Her is the two-hundred seventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(Daniel is sitting outside.)

Daniel: Things aren't going too great right now. Jonas is mad. Of course. He's mad at me, he's mad at Sarah. He's mad at me for not controlling Sarah. (He looks at the camera absurdly.) Yeah, that's going to happen. Anyway, he got pissed off earlier today... said I wasn't doing enough to help Bree out. That's bullshit. I am helping out. I'm just not all over her 24/7 like he is.

(Cuts to Bree and Jonas watching bright images flash on a TV screen. Jonas tucks Bree's hair behind her ear. Then cuts to Jonas giving Bree a piggy-back ride in a wooded area. Birds are heard chirping.)

Daniel: Here's the thing. Honestly, I kind of feel that Jonas is taking advantage of Bree right now. And that's not cool. Especially in the state of mind that she's in. You know, the Hymn of One is garbage, I know that. But she's been programmed to think that it's good. It's almost like... she's caught between our world and that world. It all sucks. I don't see that our deprogramming is working for Bree. But Jonas disagrees. He think we're slowly reaching her. I'll say it again -- she is not our Bree.

(Cuts to a shot of P. Monkey.)

Daniel: Hey, P. Monkey.

Daniel (as P. Monkey): What's going on man?

Daniel: Hey, where's Bree?

Daniel (as P. Monkey): Man, I have no idea. She's over there singin' that song. 'Cause it's eternal. Somethin', I don't really know.

Daniel: What are we gonna do?

Daniel (as P. Monkey): Not a damn thing, man. We just gonna chill out man. She just crazy right now. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. Hey, look at me, man, I can dance. Check me out, check me out. (P. Monkey begins to dance.) Oh, there we go. Oh, snap. Yep.

(Sarah pokes her head over the counter.)

Sarah: This is so fun. (She runs P. Monkey into her head.)

Daniel: You're a nut.

(Cuts to Daniel sitting outside again.)

Daniel: And Jonas, I don't get you, dude. Do you really think that Bree's clinging to you because she's coming out of her trance? What you're doing is not okay. You need to just be focusing on making her better. And we still don't know enough about the contents of the box. We need to be looking into that. We all need to focus on making Bree Trait: Negative, if that's even possible. That's the only way they'll back off. If Bree's Trait:Negative, the Order won't want her anymore. And I'm not getting into all of this because I'm jealous. I'm not jealous. I don't even think about Bree like that. Just remember this isn't about you trying to hook up. She's my best friend. I just want her back in my life.


  • Daniel is caught up in cap fever.
  • This is the second time Daniel has done the voice of P. Monkey, the first being in Purple Monkey Returns.
  • Daniel views the activities between Jonas and Bree as flirtatious.
  • This is the second publically displayed disagreement between Daniel and Jonas concerning Bree.