Off the Grid

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Episode 10/1x010
Off the Grid

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Blogger Hymn of None
Date Posted September 25th, 2008
Length 1:58
Description We have researched the community. None of us sent him this ticket. Someone set Jonas up. We must find our leader. Then we must pursue those responsible for his capture...
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 resistance Off Grid Jonas Reed Sarah lost amateur extreme fun hymnofnone
Jonas Jackson Davis
Reed Brett Ryback
LBL Doctor 1 Unknown
LBL Doctor 2 Unknown
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Previous by Hymn of None "Chapter 1: A Call to Arms"

Off the Grid is the tenth video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(Camera shows various shots of buildings then a video of people walking down a street.)

Voice: Time is short. Danger surrounds us. We are everywhere. And we see all. Jonas has been captured. Luckily our army has grown by one.

(Camera cuts to various pieces of Reed's videos. Then, it stops to show his latest video, in full. Text in the bottom right hand corner says Wednesday September 24, 2008 ReedABook.)

Reed: Uhh... hey, uhh, Hymn of None, I recognized where Jonas was because of one of the puzzles that he uploaded. So I hopped on the L and tracked him down and here's what I saw.

(Camera cuts to an edge of a car and then Jonas walks on the screen. Jonas looks around then tears off a piece of paper from a fence and begins reading it. Then camera turns around to Reed.)

Reed: So I realize that this is way creepier than I meant it to be but umm.

(Camera goes back to Jonas and a black LifeBlood Labs SUV pulling up. Two doctors get out and begin talking to Jonas. A car rolls past as Jonas hits a guy who got out of the car.)

Reed: Oh shit!

(After the car is gone you can see the two doctors picking Jonas up and putting him in the SUV.)

Reed: Hey! Hey! Nooo!

(Reed runs up to the car as it closes the door and pulls away. He keeps running for a while after the car.)

Voice: We are desperately trying to locate the vehicle but we have been unable to track it any further at this time. We've begun a search of all of LifeBlood Labs holdings in the Chicago area. We will post more info as we discover it.