Lullaby Project

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The Lullaby Project is a plan formed during the union between the Hymn Of One, Wyman Foundation, and Verdus Pharmaceuticals.

The Public Presentation of the Partnership

The new partnership between Verdus Pharmaceuticals, the Wyman Foundation, and the Hymn of One.

A company representative was at the press conference announcing the partnership, which was held in the Hymn of One Los Angeles Recruitment Center. When asked what had brought about the partnership, the speaker replied: "[W]hen the Wyman Foundation made us aware of the incredible work that the Hymn of One was doing in areas of prenatal care in our impoverished communities, we had to get involved. This is exactly the type of faith-based initiative that we at Verdus Pharmaceuticals feel has global impact." (What's Going on?).

The True Nature of the Partnership

After hearing the partnership announcement, Jonas became concerned and reviewed the facts. He noted that the Hymn of One is a cult, which is a cover for the Order and that the Wyman Foundation is a non-profit research organization, which is also a cover for the Order.

Jonas then wondered why such a large drug company would chose to partner with these organizations. He did a little more digging and, on the Verdus website, he found that Verdus will be hosting a life extension panel. Life extention is one of the key objectives of the Order, noted by their use of trait positive girls in the Ceremony to extend the lives of Elders. As such, Jonas was able to conclude that Verdus Pharmaceuticals is another front for the Order.