See you at the ceremony...

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This video is not part of the Lonelygirl15 video series, but may be part of the Breeniverse nonetheless.


(The video starts with static, and cuts in to Immant, who is wearing sunglasses)

Dr. Immant: Hello again. The Order is pleased with your progress. I wish I could say the same about your father. There are many who feel he's a bit too conservative. But you? Your commitment to the true way redeems him. A tremendous honor has been bestowed upon you, and you have shouldered these responsibilities in the true way of the faith. You know, if you think about it, in a few short hours, everything will change. Life has these...turning points. Moments where, if you recognize them, and sieze the opportunities they present, they'll send your life on an entirely different path than what it was on. (Immant removes his sunglasses, and we see he is wearing Egyptian-style eye makeup) This ceremony is one of those moments. I've been asked to attend and observe the ceremony. If all goes well, I'll see you there...but you won't see me.

(Immant pulls a black hood over his head, and the video cuts to static, then a logo)


  • Broadcast just prior to The Ceremony.
  • States that he will be at the Ceremony but will remain unseen.
  • Wears a hood and attire which is later seen worn by Order members in The Ceremony.