Assignment 4- October 19, 2006

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This was the fourth assignment in The Homeschoolers Aggregate game.

Assignment Four

In my absence, I would like you to consider the idea of loyalty. Is loyalty a learned trait or a natural extension of love and care? What role does self-preservation play in the concept of loyalty?


Reading on Loyalty

Reading on Royce
Reading on Laozi

This assignment will be due on Monday 10/23. Upon my return, I will have responses to questions 2 & 3 for you. In addition, there are some current issues that I need to address for the benefit of HSA. Please understand that there are some individuals who will do and say anything for attention. Ignore comments from people who seem to want to lead you astray. I am putting my trust in you. You are an orientation class like no other. I look forward to reading your work upon my return.

Next assignment: Assignment 5- October 25, 2006