IT Girl Challenge Answers

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IT Girl Challenge Answers

There's a difference between being bitchy and expressing yourself with blunt honesty. I prefer the former.

Blogger Aaalondra
Date Posted July 22nd, 2007
Description Tonight Chandra and I revealed the answers to the IT Girl Challenge in the chat. Here's the video for those of you who missed it.
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IT Girl Challenge Answers is the fifth video in the aaalondra video series, a component of The Chosen Flock Video Series.


Alondra: Today, we're going to reveal the answers to the "It Girl" challenge, but before we get started, we'd like to review a few things. First, don't think we don't know who answered seriously and who did not. Second, there's a difference between being bitchy and expressing yourself with blunt honesty. We'll work on that with you. Amateurs. Oh, and someone said that a test was not the best way to make friends. It's called social networking, people. The contacts we make today can help us tomorrow. When I'm rich, and I want friends, I'll just hire a personal assistant. Now, the answers. Question one: True or False. According to's latest newsletter, bright-colored sunglasses with big, chunky frames are said to be all the rage this summer. The answer is true, but the purpose of the question is to demonstrate that you can do some basic research when asked. Some of you disagreed with using the website as a trendsetting source and came up with your own answer. Way to follow simple instructions. (Rolls eyes.) Question two: You see an A-list celebrity shoplifting. What do you do and why? Check the Hymn of One celebrity registry. If they aren't a member, then call the paparazzi! Question three: You're on your way home from a cruise, and a friend calls you last minute to invite you to a luncheon being thrown by the mayor's wife. It starts in 15 minutes and all you have are the clothes in your suitcase? What do you wear? You decline the invitation. Cruise apparel must never be worn outside the island or a boat. Question four: You're invited to a premiere. What is your shoe of choice? Louboutin stilettos, everyone knows that. Again, some girls took the opportunity to express their individuality with the answers. Not really what we were looking for. I keep telling people, it's a clique. I can't believe Liandra answered Lou Button. She got almost every answer right, but totally by accident. Last question: What is the hottest video game out there right now? There's no such thing as a hot video game. Video games are a waste of time. Time that could be better spent on self-improvement. High score goes to... Danielle. Don't get too excited, we graded on a curve. Low score goes to Alessandra. I stopped the video right after the boots. Thanks to everyone who responded. I think we have the start of a decent clique. I'm never doing that again.
