Partner Swap

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Episode 492/3x082
Partner Swap

Did you say the most memorable night of our lives?

Blogger Emma
Date Posted June 5th, 2008
Forum [17554 forum discussion]
Length 7:27
Description It takes courage to fight The Order... and ask a girl on a date!
Emma Katherine Pawlak
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Jonas Jackson Davis
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Jennie Melanie Merkosky
Gina Crystal Young
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Dressing Room Hi-Jinks"
Next "Prom: It's To Die For - Part 1"
Previous by Emma "Doing It Myself"

Partner Swap is the four-hundred ninety-second video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the eighty-second video of season three.


Emma: Okay. Hi. We need to settle this prom date situation ASAP. Because it has been musical chairs in terms of who's taking who, and it's driving me crazy. (moves closer to camera and crosses her eyes) But it has to end in a few hours because prom is tonight.

(Cut to Daniel, sitting on a couch.)

Emma: Hey.

Daniel: Hey, what's up, how're you? (subtlely throws the magazine he was previously reading over the back of the couch. Emma laughs.) Hi.

Emma: What're you, looking for tips on the big night?

Daniel: Wh- what?

Emma: Huh?

Daniel: (moves down the couch, closer to the camera) What is this, like interrogation time, or something?

Emma: Uh, yeah. It's my prom.

Daniel: Oh...

Emma: Yeah.

Daniel: ...your prom.

Emma: Yeah.

Daniel: Okay.

Emma: I wanna no holds barred---

Daniel: (nods)Do ya?

Emma: ---real world confessional booth breakdown.

Daniel: (nods) 'Course you do. Yeah. Totally.

Emma: Minus the skankitude, thank you.

Daniel: Ahh. Okay. (Emma laughs.) Well, if you really wanna know...

Emma: Yeah? (Daniel looks left and right)

Daniel: I'm going stag.

Emma: Really?

Daniel: Yeah.

Emma: Eh, that's not what I heard.

Daniel: What do you mean that's not what you heard?

Emma: I don't know.

(Cut to Jonas, out on the porch.)

Jonas: Man, I can't believe we're doing this.

Daniel: (laughs, off-camera.) Iknow.

Jonas: You know, I didn't even go to my own prom.

Daniel: Ah, me neither.

(Camera is set down on a piece of furniture. Jonas talks as Daniel walks into view and sits down next to him.)

Jonas: So, uh, tell me. Who's the lucky lady gonna be?

Daniel: (laughs) The lucky lady is uh... well, I was gonna ask Sarah. (nods)

Jonas: (scoffs) Sarah? (Daniel makes a gesture with his hands. Jonas laughs.) Really?

Daniel: Wha-- yeah. (Jonas laughs harder as Daniel examines his hands.)

Jonas: No, well, you know, good luck with that. (Daniel laughs.)

(Cut to Daniel, presently, on the couch.)

Daniel: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Who told you about that?

Emma: Let's just say someone's been a little too lax about switching out new tapes?

Daniel: Ahhh.. yeah, I wonder who that could've been? I think, uhhh...

Emma: Uh-huh.

Daniel: Maybe? Just poss-- yeah? (puts head down) Shit.

Emma: You left yesterday's footage in the camera.

Daniel: Yeah, I did. Awesome.

Emma: Nice one. (turns camera back on herself)

Daniel: (off-camera) That's great.

Emma: Love's a bitch, duck. Love is a bitch. (turns camera around, back to Daniel.) Now go get her.

Daniel: Wh-- now?

(Cut to a shot of Sarah coming down the stairs, unaware she is being filmed. The shot is taken from around a wall. Daniel follows her down shortly.)

Daniel: Hey, Sarah.

Sarah: Yup.

Daniel: Hey, come here.

Sarah: (stops and turns around) What?

Daniel: (catches up with her) Sit down, sit down. Just-- yeah. Have a seat.

(The camera moves to the left as Daniel and Sarah sit down on a step.)

Daniel: Um. You going to this prom thing?

Sarah: Yeah, I kinda have to?

Daniel: Yeah?

Sarah: Yeah.

Daniel: Okay, cool, 'cos uh... Look. (laughs awkwardly) Sarah, I know that--- recently, you and I have had our ups and downs. And-- and I know you have strong feelings for Carl. But um, here I get (muffled). I'd be a fool not to. Listen, uh, it's not like, you know, I wanna get another get another chance at this, I mean, it's never gonna happen again, so... what I mean to say... is... Sarah, will you go to prom with me?

Sarah: (pauses for a moment.) Um. Daniel, I already asked Carl...

Daniel: Oh!

Sarah: Yeah.

Daniel: Okay.

Sarah: And um, and he's-- he's driving all the way up here---

Daniel: Yeah. S-- no, you know, it's totally, j-- no worries. (Sarah begins to speak, but he speaks over her." It's cool, it's cool, it's-- there's no-- no big deal, I mean, I... (puts hand on Sarah's shoulder) I wasn't serious anyway.

(Cut to Sarah, looking disturbed and sitting on a leather chair.)

Emma: (off-camera) So you're-- done with Daniel, then?

Sarah: No! I-- it's not that. It's j-- I didn't think he was gonna ask me. You know, I j-- ugh. I know he's been really nice to me lately, but I thought that was because we were getting back on the friend bandwagon.

Emma: Well-- yeah, but Carl over Daniel? (Sarah holds her head in her left hand.) I mean, don't get me wrong, I do like the guy, it's just... I don't know, it's like choosing Biff over Marty McFly, you know?

Sarah: Well then, why don't you go with Daniel?

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  • There is slippage of Lexi's accent whenever Sarah says "Friend Bandwagon."