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Lonefox101 is one of the more popular fanfic series within the LG15 World. [1]. The series is about a 17 year old agent named Ethan Fox, who has dedicated his life to fighting The Order.

Season One

Mission: Jack

Ethan posted his first few videos in January, trying to get Jack to help him fight The Order. Ethan is soon captured in a ransom from The Order, demanding Jack for Ethan. Ethan makes a narrow escape pretending to be in the Hymn of One. During this time, he reveals that he was an orphan, and adopted when he was 5 by the Wyman Foundation.

Mission: Tiffany

Ethan soon gave up on finding Jack, and turns his attention to the new trait positive girl: Tiffany. He kidnaps her, but soon gains her trust when she realizes he is only there to help. Ethan gets a call from a Wyman Foundation associate, Silver Viper, asking for Tiffany. While Ethan is making his decision, a trait positive girl named Annie posts a video saying that she has been captured by the Wyman Foundation, and Ethan should not hand over Tiffany. Ethan ignores her, and hands over Tiffany the next day.

Life After Tiffany

While Tiffany was with Ethan, he had taken some of her blood for research. Ethan decides to test his theory by injecting trait positive blood into someone that's not trait positive: himself. From this, Ethan receives a mysterious disease that seems to kill him. After an absence of two weeks, Ethan posts a video apologizing for scaring everyone, revealing that he just had the common cold. With nothing else to do, Ethan posts a few videos goofing off.

Messages from Tiffany

The fun soon ends when The Order posts a video revealing that they have Tiffany, and she is going to go through with The Ceremony. Ethan doesn't believe them, until he sees a video from Tiffany pleading for help. When Ethan doesn't find her at the Wyman Foundation, and sees a video from Tiffany being forced to say things from The Order, he decides to take drastic action.

Season One Finale: Genesis

When Ethan tracks down a potential location from Tiffany, all he finds is a scared woman named Emily. Emily reveals that Tiffany has already gone through with the Ceremony, and is dead. When Ethan decides to leave, Emily asks him to close his eyes, and she shoots him dead. But Ethan has a way of coming back...

Season Two

Coming Soon...