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First Appearance Last Appearance
Too Dangerous Confessions of a Trait Positive Carrier
Character information
Age ninteen or twenty
MySpace theolhymnofone
YouTube Wilannies
Portrayed by Stephanie Wilson
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In the most recent revelation, Annie has discovered with the help of the order that she is actually the biological sister of Emma. They were both born in Manchester New England and were seperated after William Porter and Calvin Hart tried to purchase the girls, but were forced to use brutality in the name of progress. She has had a scattered history and it all began when she first arrived at Ghiradelli Square with a numerous amount of fans, once again in an attempt to save Emma.
In Several videos that are no longer available on her youtube account for unknown reasons Annie revealed that her family has always been part of the Order. On her blog spot at annieislistening.blogspot.com she wrote about her experiences at Olhym dating back to the very first day she met Jonas and Daniel.
Seemingly a normal girl she posted her first video "Lg15 Addiction" on her youtube account and after "the morning after lg 15." The videos got many responses and for a few days she went silent. When she returned she offered the gang suggestions on how to stay low key with an impromptu blog disguises, in which she showed Taag how easy she felt it would be to get under the order's radar.
After returning to the doctor's Annie expressed that she was leaving to go to Olhym with her cousin and her mother. Scared she met several friends that tried to convince her Bree was still alive. She also began searching for other blogs, in which she finally stumbled across Lonefox101. In an effort to save tiffani, Annie posted videos stating she would give Ethan Proof the Wyman Foundation was evil.
As she dug into his past, she found several letters about her own past and was ultimately captured by the Cleaners in which her memory was wiped clean and she began accepting life in the Hymn.
Later she starts posting several videos about a new girl who has returned to Olhymn with her parents, who she was trying to help. She states her anger at Sonya for tricking her and ultimately betraying Bree and is not hear of for months.
She returns with a warning to Javier as well as several others about the Order's plans to take them out and she expresses sympathy when Gina dies at Prom. Her anger lead her to attempt to murder Tad Mckinely, which ultimately landed her back in the hands of the order.
Videos taken by the order were posted on her youtube account speaking of Ethan's destiny.Annie was last seen in confessions of a trait positive carrier, in which she stated she was willing to sacrifice herself to save the sister she forgot existed. At this point it is unknown whether Annie is still alive or not as she was last seen saying goodbye to several people in her life and the lg15 community .

Facts about Annie: -She is Emma's Biological Older Sister -She was born in Manchester, and have had several encounters with Dr. Griffin, William Porter and Dr. Calvin Hart. -Sonya is supposedly her cousin - She has a strange, but obvious connection to Ethan - When she was little, her parents said she used to sleep walk a lot, just like her other siblings - This could be the third and final time she's been captured by the order. - She's different from trait positive in the sense that she's a carrier, meaning she can complete the hart study with her blood.