Two Graves

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Revision as of 05:30, 30 December 2006 by (Talk) (Synopsis of Two Graves)

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Gemma mentions having seen this play with her flatmates in the video Scared To Go Home. She first starts to suspect that she is being followed while at the theatre, but thinks the subject matter of the play might have made her feel paranoid.

Synopsis of Two Graves

Played at the London Theatre on Great Newport Street, until 7 Dec 2006

Nearest Tube: Leicester Square

A fast, furious, funny and action-packed modern verse drama, Two Graves is a tale of murder, revenge and retribution, set in London's East End underworld of betting-shops, back-room gambling, debt collection and working-class skulduggery. Jack Tops sets out to avenge the murder of his father, drawing him deep into London's violent underworld. It's a dark and dangerous place but Jack is a survivor...