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Now this is strange! I DID have a wiki page done!!!

About Kill The Smiley

Name: Kelly Age: 20 Location: Halifax Nova Scotia

I am married (as of May 10th 2006), I have two children, and I love life...somewhat.

Lonelygirl15 start

I started to watch Lonelygirl15 because of a anti-lonelygirl youtube video. I can't remember what it was, and what it is called. But it was some guy rapping about how Lonelygirl15 was a whore and a fake. I was curious, so I looked her up. I've been watching since a week before the outting. I now officially live on the forums.

Chat start

I started on userplane. Within the first 24 hours of it being posted on the forum. I was a regular there. I practically lived there too. I was a moderator for a brief period of time.

My moderator-ship

so listen to this...after a little drama occured, all the oderators lost their mod-ship. I'm AFK for a couple of days and i don't go into the chat. I come back....and I lost my moderatorship. SO am I going to ask for it back...nope. I worked my butt of being a moderator in userplane. I told them I loved doing it. I loved to talk to people and intervien in situations.... but the problem is, is that I'm a resdent of pervy woud i be a good moderator now.... probably not.


I love everyone!!! But dare I say...I dream about Lordgreystoke422!!!!!!

My pink hair!


i love my pink hair

Forum Avatar


Favorite gift from forum buddies!



[1]Myspace [2] YouTube